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Sangin mosque.

Excursion tours over Tajikistan.
Mosque Sangin (in translation means "Stone") concerns to type of central-dome mosques. The basic volume of a building - khanaka, bordered from east and southern parties the open arcades.
The spatial composition is defined by consecutive transition of volume of the central part from square by way of the basis up to the cylindrical drum topped by a dome. The mosque by way of represents a crosswise composition - chortok, formed due to deep arch niches on four parties dome a square (5.5 х 5.5 meters).
One of prominent features of a mosque is a device of four resonators at a level domes designs, in the form of ceramic jugs without the bottoms walled in thickness of a bricklaying tromps.
The resonator served for improvement of acoustic qualities of a voice. In the western party of a mosque there is mikhrab, the arch niche specifying a direction of Mecca. To the right of mikhrab the step minbar for the sermon is erected.
The name of a mosque is connected with its design - walls on half of height are combined from red sandstone. The top part from burnt a brick. The mosque is restored in 1986 - 1987 of the last century.
First researchers mosque Sangin were Atahanov T.M., Samoilik P.T., Bretaniskiy H.P.
The guidebook «Khisor a site of ancient settlement», A.L. Abdulloev, Z.Dzhobirov. Dushanbe, 2006.
Alexander Petrov.