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Kotibar Tower.

Weekend tours in Kyzylorda.
"Hero worship is most developed where respect for human freedom is least developed."
Herbert Spencer.
Travel from Kyzylorda to Northern Aral.
The Kotibara tower is located in the Syrdarya district of the Kyzylorda region, 7 kilometers north-west of the Akzharma village and 18.5 kilometers north-west of Kyzylorda and 196 meters south of the Kyzylorda-Baikonur highway (through the Shagan village).
The Kotibara Tower (Kutebara; kaz. Kөtibar Munarasy) is an architectural monument of the XIXth century, located 5 kilometers west of the village of Akzharma, Syrdarya district, Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan. It was erected around 1869 in honor of the batyr Kotibar Basenuly (1757 - 1823) to the south of his mausoleum.
The tower is located on a hill, built of adobe rectangular bricks (10 x 17 x 27 cm). Base diameter - 4.1 meters, height - 9.5 meters. The body of the tower is round in plan, the lower part is cylindrical, but just below the middle it sharply narrows, ending in a truncated upper part.
Inside, there are four bell-shaped levels in cross-section, united by zenith openings into a single space with the possibility of reaching the very top - to a very narrow gallery with a low (40 cm) parapet. A narrow entrance, decorated with a lancet-shaped arch, originally built above ground level (about 1.5 meters), is located on the south side, towards the Kotibara mausoleum.
In 1982, the tower was included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of republican significance and taken under state protection.
Geographic coordinates of Kotibara tower: N44 ° 53'00.98 "E65 ° 16'37.70"
Photo from the web site:
Written by Evgeny Volkov.