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Gravity site of Montay batyr.

Archaeological Sights of Kazakhstan.
“If I do not make paths to the hearts of people, they will not communicate with me, although they will not be neither for nor against me”
Ibn Sina.
Architectural sights of Kazakhstan.
Location: In Zerendi district of Akmola region in the Molodezhnoye village is the grave site of Montai Batyr. Brief information: At the time of the attacks, the Dzungar, brave and courageous Montai, defended his homeland, was a faithful companion of the great Abylay Khan, was his standard bearer.
Montai came from the genus Atygai. He is famous as a hero and marksman. There are many legends about his courage. In one of the battles Montai was killed while defending the native side. Upon learning of his death, Olzhabay Batyr was very saddened and, having decided to take revenge, attacks the enemy in the highlands.
About the courage of Montai Batyr folded legends, which subsequently spread among the people. Montai Batyr participated in many battles against the Dzungars. For example, he was the leader of one of the groups of up to 200 people.
Montai Batyr shared with Abylai Khan all the military hardships and deprivations, by his example he raised the heroic spirit of the soldiers. Abylai-Khan highly honored and respected the deserts of Montai, valued his works.
In the village of Molodyozhnoye Montai, the batyr accomplished one of his exploits, but according to another version he simply stopped at the stone and gave his horse a break. Current generation admires his feats and courage, honors his memory and sets an example for the younger generation.
Every year, local residents gather at his grave and recite memorial prayers.
1. descendant in the seventh generation Babyr Bagisov, 2. Torgay and Aidos Abutalipovs.