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Mausoleum of Baishoky.

Religious tours in Kazakhstan.
"Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world!"
Griboedov A.S.
Geographic tours in Central Asia.
The Baishoky (Baysalbay) mausoleum is located at the Uytam burial ground at an altitude of 57.9 meters above sea level, 450 meters from the western part of the Karkol bog in the Aral district of the Kyzylorda region, 1.4 kilometers to the north and slightly west of the small village of Akshatau and 10.5 kilometers southeast of the village of Amanotkel.
The monument dates back to the XIXth century. The mausoleum was investigated by the Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Kazakh SSR (1983) and the Kazproektrestavratsiya Institute (1986). In 2011, the monument was additionally investigated by the reconnaissance detachment of Archaeological Expertise LLP.
Geographic coordinates of the Baishoky mausoleum (Baysalbay): N46 ° 01'08.58 "E61 ° 35'08.56"
Alexander Petrov.
The photo
from the local history museum of the town of Aralsk.