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Mausoleum of Beketay.

Silk Road Treasure Tours Kazakhstan.
"Never can anyone achieve a high position without the help of three things: either by personal labor, or by the waste of property, or by loss of faith."
Bakhnund ibn Sukhvan, known as Ali ibn ash-Shahal-Farsi.
Photo tours to Aral Sea of Kazakhstan.
The Beketay mausoleum is located in the center of a gentle hill, on the right bank of the Syr Darya in the Aral district of the Kyzylorda region, 384 meters northeast of the Bektai winter quarters, 5 kilometers southwest of the Akkulak village and 5.1 kilometers northwest of the village Zhanakurylys.
The monument dates back to the XIXth century and is located in the northern part of the necropolis, which consists of muddy burial fences and a ruined mausoleum. According to a local resident (Kulseit Orazaliev, born in 1913), the Beketay mausoleum (clan Alim) was built by a local master Nurymbet-usta at the request of his daughter.
Geographic coordinates of the Beketay mausoleum: N46 ° 03'06.00 "E61 ° 16'57.00"
Alexander Petrov.
The photo
from the local history museum of the town of Aralsk.