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Grave site of әulie Қylyshbaya.

Outstanding architectural monuments of Kazakhstan.
“Valor is the property of those striving for a lofty goal”
Firdousi Abulkasim.
Shymkent in the history of the Great Silk Road.
Location of sacral place: in 18 km from the Terіsagan village, in 10 km from the Terіsagan river Kylyshbay Nuky Zhaksy district, Akmola region. Data on sacral site: Kylyshbay is the great-nephew of Zhekebatyr, one of Kenesary Kasimov’s like-minded people.
In retaliation for the treachery of the Kyrgyz Kenesary, Kylashbay captured and brought more than 500 Kyrgyz families to the Kazakh steppes. Kylyshbay lived around 1846-1905. He had five sons. By nature, he was a very modest man.
Kylyshbay Aulie truly honored the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. His contemporary Jusup Haji said: “Қылышбайдың шариғатының қалай да болса қисыны бар”. Among people, Kylyshbay was revered as a holy man who treated people for diseases and ailments with the help of animal sacrifice.
He guarded and helped the disadvantaged, sick and homeless people in every possible way. He also spoke and defended the rights of people in case of unjust decisions made by biys. People considered him a messenger of Allah.
More than 30 reputable imams lived in the Terisakkan area during the time of Kylyshby, but it was he who was considered the most respected and respected. Locals say that Russian settlers could not plow and grow wheat on the land next to which was the burial of Kylyshbai.
Wheat did not grow there. And then people remembered Mulla Kylyshbaya, his kindness, honesty, paid tribute to his merits. Now this burial is a place of memory for this person.
Authority and photos:
Saktash Alseitov, Targyn Makzhanov. http://srh.kz/content/mesto-zahoronenie-ylyshbay-ulie/