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Sands Bostankum.

Mangyshlak walking Tours.
«Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves»
Jean-Jacques Roussea.
Exploring tours in Mangyshlak.
Sands Bostankum are from the southeast on the northwest on a height of the sandy valley Bostankum to the East from the mountains of Mangystau in Mangystau Region in the Western Kazakhstan. Sands Bostankum exactly in the middle divide administrative border of two areas of Mangystau Region.
Northwest part of sands is in the Mangystau district and a southeast part in Karakiyansky district. Extent of sands from the southeast on the northwest of 27 kilometers, the greatest width is 6 kilometers. In sands the feather grass, an edge wheat grass, calligonum (Calligonum), a tall weeds, saxaul (Halohylon Bge), anabasis-salsa (Anabasis salsa) and other desert plants grow.
In the southern part the small settlement of Zharma is located. The country road from the settlement of Sazda to the aul of Ushtagan in places is swept up by sands.
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.