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Sights West Ustyrt plateu.

Тours to Ustyrt plateu Kazakhstan.
«Every creature lives in a state of war by nature»
Jonathan Swift.
Sights Ustyrt plateu Kazakhstan.
Vicinities of the Western cliff of Ustyurt are located in east part of Ustyurt in Mangystau Region in the west of Kazakhstan. In the neighborhood of the valley Manata ata at the highway Aktau - Beyneu. It is the area ideal beauty, here the nature is created by two paints - white salt, white limestone, white clouds and the blue sky in good weather.
And a landscape of yellowy-brown color strengthen a salt whiteness. That place has magnificent landscapes, it is made of white salt, white limestone, white clouds and sometimes when the sky is blue all that makes Saline march Tuzbair look surreal.
Those brown blotches in the mountains there make salt look even whiter. If you drive to Saline march from west then the view of it that you will see is very unexpected, suddenly you see something totally different from the previous landscapes in front of you.
The view depends on the time of the day when you see it. You realise what an amazing creation it is when you see it. From the West part of plateau Ustyurt you see cascades of clay-limestone "stages", at the base of which lies the salt marsh, that locals call " Saline march" there.
It is not easy to find out about the beauty of that place just by looking at it from a distance, because all you see are just two outlier-mountains that lay close to the main plateau. You have to drive forward to them so you can see that creation of wind and water.
Though it is dangerous trying to get close to it, because it is something that looks like a lake, which has very high cliffs. Only very confident experienced drives can drive through the wetlands of Tuzbair. During the rainy season the water in it looks like a huge mirror, which reflects the sky in it.
At the base of elevation of the land called Kyzylbas you can see a "Natural Sphinx", which proudly looks at the impregnable bastions of plateau Ustyurt. If you climb up on the high point of the plateau you can find some really good viewing spots.
From there you can see those surreal alien landscapes of weird but beautiful mountains, where if you are lucky you can find fossils such as teeth of ancient sharks.
Andrey Astafyev, Alexander Petrov.
Alexander Petrov