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Tүrik Kakandar Ordasy. Kumai complex.

Tours in Yereymentau district.
“If the work is worthy completed,
He will exalt and glorify you.”
Firdousi Abulkasim.
Sights of the Yereymentau district.
The cultural complex Kumai "Turik Kagandar Ordasy" is located in the Yereymentau district of the Akmola region. “Turik Kagandar Ordasy” - “Residence of Turkic rulers”. Monuments of the Kumai cultural complex, located in close proximity to the capital of Kazakhstan - Nur-Sultan, contain a cultural heritage of several millennia, compactly localized in one territory, within the state of the “Bұyratau” national park, at the foot of the mountain of the same name.
The most striking are the Turkic cult fences with an anthropomorphic sculpting ball. The original Turkic tradition of worship and deification of great ancestors, expressed in the construction of ritual fences - symbols of houses, on the eastern side of which stone statues were installed with portrait portraits of heroic personalities of past eras, is represented in all its splendor in the Kumai Valley.
Along with the cult monument "Kos Batyr" is a complex of objects belonging to the eras of ancient Kazakhstan. Of great scientific interest are the sets of attributes depicted in the sculptures, the vessel, jewelry and weapons, serving as sources on various aspects of complex archaeological and ethnological studies, including sections from the chronology of the existence of objects to questions regarding the regulation of the social ranking of the worldviews of traditional Turkic society.
This is the only multicomponent cultural complex in the region, represented by monuments from the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Turkic period. The historical significance of the monuments of the Kumai cultural complex lies in the potential informativeness of all types and types of monuments, the study of which in mutual connection will contribute to the solution of many pressing problems and problems.
The complex consists of several groups of multi-time monuments compactly located in the eastern and southeastern parts of the foothills of the mountain peaks of Akshoky, Ershoky and Zhyland. The cult complex Kos Batyr, built in the distant Turkic era in honor of the legendary personalities who worked on their native land, probably served as the basis for the formation of the eponymous toponym.
The famous Kazakh archaeologist Alkey Margulan also refers to this area in his work.
The discovery and studied Turkic monuments of the Kumai archaeological and ethnographic complex are represented by the same type of ritual constructions, the basis of which is a rectangular construction, made of stone slabs installed in a horizontal position and dug into the ground.
The internal area of all the fences is filled with chipped stone. All monuments are compactly localized in a radius of 5 - 7 km, on the terrace of the left bank of the Kumai River. The unsurpassed flavor of the Kumai archaeological and ethnographic complex is represented in all its structure-forming parts, in geographical localization, natural uniqueness, landscape location, toponymic nomenclature of the area, the composition of diverse monuments, the chronological representativeness of memorial, religious monuments and settlements.
There are no analogues of such representativeness of the indissoluble unity of cultural heritage and the natural environment anywhere in Kazakhstan.
Authority and photos:
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Turkologist A. Dosymbaeva.