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The Excursion trip from Dushanbe in Ghissar.
Toharathona - the special premise for ritual ablution in territory Ghissar of an archeologic and architectural complex, is located on the area Registan between two madrasah Nav and Kuhna.
The building settled down on rectangular, the sizes 30,5 х 35,5 meters, stylobate, enclosed hewn stone blocks marlaceous limestone. On the middle of four facades, the platform is supplied by ladders.
In the central part of a platform the square building consisting of the big premise and adjoining to them from the north of three small rooms settled down. East wall of a premise is adjoined with five cabins, located hardly above a level of a floor.
In a floor of each cabin the rectangular deepenings incorporated among themselves by a water-drain from ceramic pipes located under floor are arranged. On them water through an average cabin flew down in "pool" located in the center of the big premise.
Edges of pool had wooden meeting stiles from bars. In a northwest corner the spillway through which врда, also on ceramic process drainit was deduced in water drain a well has been arranged.
Khisor Toharathona is one of the rare saved constructions erected at mosques and madrasah. A composition similar Toharathona Khisor a complex are absent. Besides platform Toharathona served also as a place of execution.
Toharathona it is dug out by archeologists in 1981 - 1982 of the last century. First researchers toharathona were Atahanov T.M., Samoilik P.T., Bretaniskiy H.P. Monument is inhibited at height of 50 centimeters.
The guidebook «Khisor a site of ancient settlement», A.L. Abdulloev, Z.Dzhobirov. Dushanbe, 2006.
Alexander Petrov.