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Sights of Kyzylarai mountain.

Natural Wonders of Karaganda region.
“People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us”
Iris Murdoch.
Landmarks of nature Central Kazakhstan.
The Kyzylarai mountain range is located in the Karaganda region in the Aktogai and Shet regions. The Kyzylarai Mountains are located in the southeast of the Kazakh small hills, including the steppe zone and semi-desert.
In the latitudinal direction, the mountains stretch for 70 kilometers, in the meridional direction, the length of the mountains is 56 kilometers. Kyzylarai is a part of the Kazakh small hills. Mount Aksoran is the highest point of the Kyzylarai mountains and the Kazakh small hills (Sary-Arki), its height is 1565 meters above sea level.
The Kyzylarai mountain range consists of several separate independent mountains. Begazy granite tombs are one of the most mysterious archaeological discoveries on the territory of Central Kazakhstan; it is the cultural monument of the Bronze Age.
In the northern part of the Kazakh small hills, there is the main dividing ridge represented by low mountains, among which the Kyzylarai massifs dominate with the dominant peak of Aksoran at a height of 1565 meters above sea level, the Kyzyltas mountain at a height of 1238 meters above sea level.
The central part of the mountains is a shallow, ridge plain, gradually lowering to Lake Balkhash. In the bowels of the Kyzylarai mountains are reserves of copper, molybdenum, tungsten, lead, zinc, iron ores, natural building materials and others.
The climate in the mountains is continental, with cold, little snowy winters and hot, dry summers. The average January temperatures in the north are -16 ° С, in the south - 14 ° С; July - 16 ° С in the north, 24 ° С in the south.
The average annual rainfall in the north is 350 mm, in the south - 150 mm. The soils are chestnut, brown, saline. In the mountains grow - pine, birch, poplar, aspen. There are argali, fallow deer, saiga, wild boar, wolf, fox, hare, corsac, badger, ferret, marmot, muskrat, and birds include partridge, goose, duck and others.
The Kyzylarai mountain oasis is represented by archaeological sites of the Bronze Age, Turkic period and modern times, interesting natural formations - Aulie Caves, Tesiktas Stone. In the mountains you can visit the small waterfall Myrzakozha, beautiful weathered granites against the backdrop of pines.
The mountains of Myrzakozha are stretched in the latitudinal direction and are located east of the village of Shabanbai bi. You can meet deer and very rare argali in Kazakhstan in these mountains. Take walks in the vicinity of the tract Aksoran and climb the peak of Aksoran with a height of 1565 meters above sea level.
The Kyzylarai Mountains are mainly composed of sedimentary and igneous rocks, among which granites, porphyrites, quartzites, sandstones and schists predominate. The intermontane valleys and slopes are covered with dense pine forests, and the plains are occupied by birch groves.
An interesting walk in the Shaban tract located 21 kilometers from the village of Shabanbai bi. In the Kyzylarai mountains is located the Auliye tract, which fascinates with its magnificent views and colorful landscapes. A visit to the Arai tract and Mount Aulie, located 8 kilometers from the village of Shabanbai bi, will not leave with delight.
There are Shadyrbai peaks and Auliye peak 1274 meters high above sea level. Climbing the ridge of Mount Aulie, visiting a small lake in the rocks among the granites. From the top of the ridge to the south, a panorama of the entire Kyzylarai mountain range opens.
Alexander Petrov, Vitaly Shuptar.
Alexander Petrov.