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Memorial and archaeological complex of Kos Ana.

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“In the spacious gardens of love for the Almighty,
I want to be a nightingale who sings his sad songs at dawn ...
In those hours I want to see the radiant look
My Allah, through the eyes of his heart”
Hikmet Khoja Ahmed Yasavi.
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Archaeological Complex Kos Ana The Kos Ana complex (Zerip Slandy) is located 3 kilometers from the Baidibek village, upstream of the Bala Bugun River on the left floodplain terrace in the Baidibek district of Turkestan region.
The history of the discovery of a new monumental building of the medieval era in the Baidibek region begins in the late 90s of the XX century. G. S. Sadyrbaev informed the revealed remains of a building in the upper reaches of the Bala Bugun River.
Here, according to popular tradition, the burials of Baidibek’s daughter and his son-in-law, Zerip Slanda, were made. The consolidated archaeological detachment, consisting of specialists from the regional department of culture (headed by A.N. Grishchenko) and the South Kazakhstan Regional Museum of History and Local Lore, began research on the construction in the spring of 2001.
In building structures, tiled (25 x 25 x 5 cm or 25 x 25 x 6 cm) burnt bricks were used, the use of which as a building material in Central Asia began in the Xth century. The construction volume, rectangular in plan, is attached to the same perimeter of the walls enclosing it, flanked at the corners by towers up to 1.6 meters in diameter.
The size of the rectangle of the enclosing walls with the towers is 22.31 (22, I) x I8.8 m. In general, the plan of 5 rooms located on the construction axes and communicating with each other through arched passages, compositionally forms the shape of a cross.
The remains of a rectangular hearth measuring 1.1 x 0.6 meters, fragments of ceramic vessels from the middle of the twelfth to the beginning of the thirteenth century were recorded. and bones of domestic animals, sheep and cows.
Direct analogies to the structural elements, as well as the spatial and spatial planning solution excavated by the archaeologists of the building, are noted in a large number of reports on early buildings identified and studied by researchers of monuments of urban planning and architecture of the south of Kazakhstan.
The building, undoubtedly, served as a Muslim mosque and was the khanaka of the Sufi brotherhood or order, the news of which did not reach us. The author is inclined to believe that the studied remains of the architectural monument belong to the characteristic buildings of the cloisters of the Dervish communities, called khanaks, on the basis of the same orientation of this building with the khanaka of Ahmed Yasavi. Geographic coordinates N 43` 00.076` E 069` 59.786`
D. A. Taleev. "Code of monuments of the South Kazakhstan region." Architectural and archaeological heritage of the South Kazakhstan region. In the framework of the regional program "Cultural Heritage".
Alexander Petrov.