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Mausoleum Tekturmas.

Excursions on architectural monuments Zhambyl province.
«Tekturmas» the mountain not simply means «so costs»
Sightseeing tours in Taraz.
Architects of the mausoleum are unknown. The mausoleum represents a domed four cornered construction built with burnt bricks. The entrance in form of lancet arch is pointed to west to Taraz. The corners of the mausoleum are completed with pilasters.
Traces of plaster are found on the walls. The Russian translation of the word “Tekturmas” means “mountains standing for a reason”. The mausoleum is considered as the place of burial of someone named Sultan Makhmudkhan.
According to one of the versions, he was a local saint. According to other version, he was a commender of the army of Kara-Khanids. He largely contributed in distribution of Islam. The is no clear data when the mausoleum was built. G.A.Pugachenkova states that it was erected in the XVIth century.
In the end of the XIXth century the mausoleum was researched by V.A.Kallur. There is only one photo from the 80s of the19th century. The mausoleum was demolished in 1935. In 1939-1940 its remainders were explored by G.I.Patsichev.
In 2002 by 2000th anniversary of Taraz with the initiative of Amangeldi Momyshev, reconstruction of the mausoleum has started. The reconstruction was conducted by young architect Nurlybej Baekeev. The mausoleum was reconstructed as is shown in old photography.
Alexander Petrov.