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History town Balasagun.

Trip to Tower Burana.
“If you follow the ancient maps written on the stars, no person will ever understand you. So if you could read these maps, would you follow them? And forever be misunderstood? Or would you close your eyes tightly and pretend to be like everyone else?”
C. JoyBell C.
Travel along Silk Road of Kyrgyzstan.
Situated 10km south of Tokmok, the tower is all that remains of the ancient city of Balasugan set at the foot of the Shamshy valley. Established in the X th century on the site of an older settlement, the city was the birthplace of the poet Jusup Balasugyn (1015) who wrote an epic poem called Katadgu Bilig ("The knowledge which brings happiness"), which has been translated into several languages including a recent translation into English by Walter May.
With Kashgar, Balasugan was one of the capitals of the Eastern Khanate when the Karakhanid state split up. (The capital of the Western Khanate was Samarkand.) It was spared from destruction by Genghis Khan's Mongols, and renamed Gobalik ('good city') in the XIII th century, but it lost its importance and had disappeared by the XV th century.
There were major archaeological surveys of the site in the 1920s, 1950s and 1970s. The archaeologists discovered that the town had a complicated layout covering some 25 - 30 square kilometers. There were ruins of a central fortress, some handicraft shops, bazaars, four religious buildings, domestic dwellings, a bathhouse, a plot of arable land and a water main (pipes delivering water from a nearby canyon). Two rings of walls surrounded the town.
Although the Kharakhanids (who built the city) practiced Islam, they were tolerant of other religions and there are some examples of early Christian (Nestorian) inscriptions. The entire museum complex today covers some 36 hectares.
It includes the tower itself, reconstructions of mausoleums found on the site, a mound that is all that remains of the palace/citadel, a collection of balbals(grave markers used by nomadic Turkic peoples who used to roam Central Asia) and petroglyphs (paintings on stones), and a small museum.
An embankment on which the town walls were built out of wattle and daub, would have surrounded the town. The tower is believed to be a minaret and if so it is the oldest in Central Asia. The name Burana itself is probably a corruption of the Turkic word murana (minaret).
A similar construction is preserved at Uzgen, in the south near the Uzbek border, complete with the domed crown and doorways from which the muezzin would call the faithful to prayer. Originally 45m tall only the bottom 25m remain - the top was lost in an earthquake in the XV th century.
The tower has an octagonal base and on this was constructed a conical tower. On the outside of the tower is pattern of relief work in brick. The diameter at the bottom of the tower is 9.3m and the top is 6m across.
The remains were "canabalised" by local people who took the bricks from the base for their building - photographs of the tower before reconstruction in the 1970s can be seen in the small museum and show this clearly.
Inside is a narrow spiral staircase that is said to be original, leading to the top. Access would have been by removable stairs, or through the roof of the mosque - now there is a metal staircase leading to the door nearly 7m above ground on the southern side.
From the top it is possible to get a good view of the Chu valley and Tokmok. Also, it is possible to make out the lines of the walls of the settlement in the fields surrounding the tower. At the foot of the tower are some reconstructions of the foundations of several ancient mausoleums made out of burnt brick.
These foundations were uncovered in the 1970s. The different shapes and sizes indicate the different status and numbers of occupants. Nearby is a small hill, measuring 100m square and 10m high. It apparently hides a palace complex (or a temple - the archaeologists aren't sure), which existed in the X th century - that is before the town itself came into being.
A little further away is a collection of balbals (small statues of the dead - gravestones of the nomadic Turks) dating from the VI th century, and petroglyphs dating from the II nd century BC, brought and placed here from all around the Chu valley.
There are other collections around the Chu valley and in Southern Kazakhstan. The small museum, established in 1976, contains some artifacts recovered from the site (jars, coins, a board game), but it is claimed that the best articles were removed a long time ago to Moscow or St. Petersburg.
In the Shamshy valley itself has been found a wide range of Scythian artifacts, including a heavy golden burial mask. From the Tower, it is possible to head into the mountains to a picturesque valley to the Kegeti or Shamshy gorges.