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Aktau-Buzachi reserve.

Tours on reserves and parks the Western Kazakhstan.
“Nature abhors annihilation”
Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Unique travels across Mangyhslak.
Aktau-Buzachi reserve with an area of 170 000 ha is located in the South-Western tip of the Buzachi Peninsula and in the Western part of the ridge North of Aktau. The maximum length of the reserve from the North-West to South-East is equal to 74 km and width outside the Gulf Koshak 32 km.
Climate is extreme continental. Short little snow, but cold winters and hot long summers. The proximity of the Caspian sea softens the continentality of climate in comparison with the deep areas of the Peninsula Mangyshlak and Buzachi.
The average annual air temperature plus 10.5 degrees. Temperatures are around minus 30 degrees, the maximum plus 41 - 42 degrees C. In the North of Aktau, except for the two wells, there are several springs. In addition, in the gorges lasting water after precipitation.
All these sources are used by the inhabitants of the reserve for watering. In the ravines and gorges, there are thickets of dingila, hawthorn, chopping, splendens. In the valleys North of Aktau is dominated by sagebrush and Isen.
The class of reptiles here represented by 15 species, including poisonous - snake and Copperhead. There are bustards-Jack and Eastern little bustard; large up to 18 species, a detachment of waders, including Curlew Siberian, North woodcock, snipe and snipe.
Detachment crow has 26 titles - mute Swan, the whooper Swan, goose, Pintail, Mallard, shoveler, black turnip, red-breasted merganser and others. More than 30 birds of prey - white-tailed eagle, vulture, black vulture, Imperial eagle and others. Ubiquitous hare-Sandstone.
The reserve is home to about 200 foxes and the same Korsakov. Very rare carnivores of the family Mustelidae - ligation and affection. Visible number, steppe polecat. Wolves there are up to 50. One of the most common cat spotted cat. Occasionally there are the sand cat, Pallas ' cat.
There are eyewitness reports of a meeting with rare animals listed in the International Red Book - the Caracal. The reserve is frequented by antelope, In some years during the summer grazing thousands of herds of these animals.
Perhaps the main wealth of the reserve are Gazelle and wild goat. Many residents of the refuge are listed in the Red book. It's rare animals that are on the verge of destruction.
Birds in Aktau-Buzachi reserve in the Red book of Kazakhstan listed:
1. The whooper Swan,
2. Savka - (very rare)
3. Red-breasted goose
4. Marbled Teal
5. Black scoter
6. Dalmatian Pelican
7. Pink Pelican
8. Flamingo
9. Little egret
10. Yellow Heron
11. Spoonbill
12. The glossy IBIS
13. Slender-billed Curlew
14. Black-bellied Sandgrouse
15. Jack
16. Sociable lapwing
17. The little bustard
18. The Golden eagle
19. White-Dalgopol
20. White-tailed eagle
21. Vulture
22. Peregrine
In the red book of Kazakhstan also presents mammals:
1. Piebald piebald shrew
2. Brandt's hedgehog
3. Ligation
4. Sand cat
5. Manul
6. Caracal
7. Gazelle
8. Ustyurt sheep
Among the reptiles in the Red book of Kazakhstan recorded the four-lined snake.
The Guidebook on Mangistau of province. Andrey Astafyev (Aktau).
Alexander Petrov.