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Petroglyphs Karasai.

Rock carvings of Zhambyl region.

“Mysterious dance of figures.
An arrow in a fatal flight.
What a picturesque drawing
A rock gave it to centuries!"

Petr Korytko.

Rest in Zhambyl region.

Petroglyphs Karasai in the gorge of the same name of the Bronze Age-Early Iron Age are located at an altitude of 865 meters above sea level in the Kostobinsky rural district, Zhambyl district of the Zhambyl region, 5.7 kilometers southeast of the village of Akbulym and 6.7 kilometers to the northeast from the village of Kyzyl-Kainar in the southeastern part of the Kyrgyz ridge.
In 2003 - 2013, the Karasai petroglyphs were examined by the expedition of the Institute of Archeology A.Kh. Margulan, professors A.N. Maryashev and M.K.Kadyrbaev, based on the results, prepared the work "Petroglyphs of Small Karatau and the Western tip of the Kyrgyz Alatau." Almaty, 2013.
In 2010, they were examined by the expedition of the Collection of Monuments LLP "Archaeological Expertise" (S. Akylbek, Ch. Kudabaev). To the east of Akbulym village of Zhambyl region in the Karasai gorge (Botomainak pass), which stretches from south to north for 2 kilometers, there are rock paintings of the Bronze Age - the beginning of the Iron Age.
A significant group of petroglyphs is made up of drawings with plots characteristic of this time: paired figures of men with arms raised up, warriors with clubs, bulls. In one of the gorges, a composition is carved on which eight men are captured holding hands, above - three shooting archers and a man with a club.
The most ancient drawings of the Bronze Age are images of goats in the bit-triangular style. The petroglyphs of the late Bronze Age include engravings that reproduce animals with a number of features that bring them closer to images of the early animal style.
Among the petroglyphs of this time, scenes of the pursuit and torment of animals appear, for example, the attack of dogs on wild boars. Among the petroglyphs of the Bronze Age, the image of chariots is widespread.
These are mainly light two-wheeled hunting and war chariots, drawn by horses and camels. The images are found on high rocks located closer to the middle of the gorge. Some of the drawings are carved on separate slopes and rock blocks.
The repertoire of drawings is poorer than in the Ters valley. There are images of mountain goats, deer, roe deer, camels, bulls, people. The images of bulls and camels are large (60 x 40 cm) with dotted filling. The rest of the drawings are contour.
Petroglyphs are applied on about thirty patina-covered surfaces. The images are applied to rocky outcrops along the entire gorge for 0.8 - 1 kilometers on more than fifty surfaces depicting mountain goats, camels, bulls, hunters and warriors. Images of mountain goats are contour, bulls and camels are depicted in volume with dotted filling.
The image of a hunter with a bow, a spear and two dancing people is given by the outline. The image of a horseman with a saber belongs to the medieval period. The surface of the stones with drawings is patinized.
Geographic coordinates of the petroglyphs in the Karasai gorge: N42 ° 53'37.06 "E71 ° 32'49.09"
Geographic coordinates of petroglyphs in the Karasay gorge: N42 ° 53'37.20 "E71 ° 32'50.01"
Geographic coordinates of petroglyphs in the Karasay gorge: N42 ° 53 '36.9 "E71 ° 32' 49.2"

Collection of monuments of history and culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhambyl region. Almaty. 2010. Anna Krokosheva.

Photos by 
Vitaly Shuptar.