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Kuanyshbaev Theater.

Walks and Hikes in Kazakhstan.
"How to direct a complete lack of direction?"
Stanislav Lem.
Guided tours in Astana.
The Kazakh Musical Drama Theater named after K. Kuanyshbaev opened its curtain on November 15, 1991 by the work of the great Kazakh playwright G. Musrepov “Akan Ser! - Who are you". The first artistic director and chief director of the theater is the talented director Zh. Omarov.
In 1999, at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, the theater was headed by the People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR and the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, Halyk Kaharmany Azerbaizhan Mambetov.
Performances based on the works of famous playwrights and writers were staged on the stage of the theater: G. Musrepov “Goats Korpesh - Bayan Sulu”, M. Auezova “Karakoz”, G. Musrepov “Kyz Zhibek”, T. Akhtanova “Zhogalgan dos”, and Vdelmar “More silence ", F. Herve" Mademoiselle Nitusch ", F. Bulyakova" Grandmothers got married ", Ch.Aitmatova" And the day lasts longer than a century ", DuIsabekova" Actress ", T.Abdikova" Biz ueshe odik ", M. Auezova" Enlik -Kebek ”, U. Hajibeyov“ Arshin Mal-Alan ”, Ch. Aimatova“ Maternal Field ”and others.
Kazakh Musical and Drama Theater named after K. Kua-nyshbaeva is a laureate of the International Festival dedicated to the table of S. Seifullin, laureate of the II international festival of Turkic-speaking states “Tuganlyk”, winner of the mini-comedy blitz festival, winner of the Grand Prix International Theater Festival in Shymkent for best actress (L. Beknazar-Haninga), best directing (N. Dzhumaniyazov) with D. Isabekov’s performance “Actress”, and also participated in the International Festival of Experimental and Young Theaters in Egypt.
In 2002, with the performance of G. Musrepov "Goats-Corps - Bayan-Sulu" the theater performed at the stage of the theater named after Moscow City Council in the framework of the campaign "Days of Astana Culture in Moscow". Address: st. Omarova, 47 a, 32 3 624.
Guide to Astana and Akmola region.