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Otan Korgaushylar complex.

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“Loving humanity is easier than doing good to your mother”
Grigory Skovoroda.
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The Otan Korgaushylar memorial complex was opened on May 9, 2001 and is a public garden in the center of which is the Otan Ana monument. In the hands of a woman-mother in a white kimishek, according to Kazakh tradition, offers milk in a gilded bowl, holds a golden bowl with shaking hands - a symbol of peace and prosperity.
For the first time in such a memorial complex, a woman is depicted not as mourning, but as a smiling woman calling for unity and harmony. She holds a golden cup - a symbol of peace and prosperity. The 37.5 - meter stele, consisting of 101 ears, symbolizes the unity of all nations living in Kazakhstan, weighing 63 tons.
By the way, the monument "Otan ana" was created as conceived by President Nazarbayev N.A. Around the monument is a park, which has become one of the favorite vacation spots of citizens. The authors of the memorial complex are Y. Baimukashev, B, Taitaliev.
The memorial complex is made of copper, granite, bronze. Another part of the memorial complex is a 40-meter stele, which consists of 101 ears and embodies the unity of all nations living in Kazakhstan. On the bas-relief on the right is the image of Soviet soldiers, on the left side are the Kazakh batyrs who won the fight against the Dzungar Khanate in the XVIIIth century.
At the foot of the monument eternal flame burns. The monument is erected on a square raised base with green slopes on three sides and a wide staircase from the front alley. In the center is a bronze stele with a mother’s figure surrounded by two walls with bas-reliefs of historical buildings (“The Battle of the Kazakhs with the Dzungars”, “Participation of Kazakhstanis in the Great Patriotic War”).
The memorial complex is located at the intersection of Manas and KhM Streets Munaitpasova.