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Ertis zhagalauy zoological reserve

Preserves in the Pavlodar region
“Nature is the only book, each page of which is full of deep content”
Excursion to Ertis zhagalauy zoological reserve.
The state zoological nature reserve "Ertis zhagalauy" (floodplain of the Irtysh river) - extends from 1 to 10 - 12 km on the left bank and from 4 to 6 km on the right bank. By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 27, 2001 No. 877 “On State Nature Reserves and State Nature Monuments of National Importance”, the State Nature Reserve “Floodpl.
Irtysh "(complex). Valley of the river Irtysh in the Pavlodar region in the southern part of the West Siberian lowland. Divides the lowland on the right bank of the Ob-Irtysh interfluve (Kulundinskaya steppe) and the left bank of the Irtysh steppes.
The area of the specially protected natural territory and the protective, sanitary-protective territory: the area of the Irtysh River Floodplain nature reserve - 377133 hectares; the area of the security zone is not available.
The floodplain Irtysh is a unique creation of nature, with its characteristic increased soil and flood moisture. The floodplain of the river crosses the entire steppe and southern half of the forest region of western Siberia for 3 thousand km.
The modern valley of the river. The Irtysh is represented by a floodplain up to 7-8 m high and a complex of three upper Quaternary erosion-accumulative floodplain terraces. Absolute elevations of the floodplain increase to 87 m at the western borders of the Pavlodar region, up to 112 m - at the eastern. According to the degree of development and the nature of the relief forms, the surface of the floodplain p. The Irtysh belongs to the crossed and complicated by numerous protocols, elders, sand manes, coastal ramparts.
Climatic conditions in the floodplain of the river. Irtysh is slightly softer compared to the neighboring area due to the forest zone with a length of 500 km The following areas are distinguished in the floodplain:
- terraced floodplain, the most drained, adjacent to the river bed;
- the central floodplain, leveled, the widest and with optimal conditions for moistening;
- a river bed floodplain, usually swampy with the largest number of elders.
Terraced floodplain p. Irtysh with a light mechanical composition of alluvium is located above the central and riverbed. This is the driest part of the floodplain, primarily discharged from flood waters, with developed floodplain grain soils, covered with wormwood, feather grass, and fescue meadows. In wetlands willows grow.
The central floodplain, which occupies a large part, has a leveled relief with a large number of saucer-shaped depressions. These depressions, filled with melt and wastewater, form small reservoirs (the banks of which are usually shaded), many of which dry out in the summer.
The floodplain alluvium, which forms the soil cover of the central floodplain, has a heavier mechanical composition (mainly medium and heavy loams) and forms sod-meadow floodplain soils. These are the most fertile soils with grassy-meadow meadows. In lowered areas of the relief, meadow floodplain soils with moisture-loving vegetation are formed.
The near-river floodplain is not wide (0.2 – 0.3 km) and stretches at the foot of the root bank or floodplain terraces. This is the most lowered and marshy region. floodplains. It is fueled by a constant groundwater horizon, often with the release of keys.
Due to excess moisture, a high (0.2 - 0.8 m) standing groundwater is observed. The soil cover is represented by heavy loam and silt. Narrow stripes of forest plots, groves and bushes on the floodplain forest-meadow layered soils are confined to the riverine floodplain and the banks of the channels.
The floodplain forests are mainly based on black poplar, white poplar, white willow, drooping birch, etc. In the floodplain Irtysh there are 55 species of mammals (elk, roe deer, fox, gophers, hamsters, etc.). The total number of birds is 200 species, of which 105 nest in the floodplain adjacent to the territory of Pavlodar.
In the river Irtysh and floodplain water bodies, there are about 20 species of fish. Among them are such valuable as sturgeon, sterlet, nelma, bream, pike perch, common carp, carp, etc. Status - state nature reserve of republican significance.
Alexander Petrov.