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Botanical Garden in Almaty.

Sights of the Botanical Garden in Almaty.
“Nature is an original artist: she never copies pictures on bags of seeds. There are three types of weather that gardeners complain about: the weather is dry, the weather is rainy and the weather in general"
Pierre Daninos.
Walk in the Almaty Botanical Garden.
The Gardens of the National Academy of Science, now called the Institute of Botany, were founded in 1932. In 1967, they were given the status of a research institution. The gardens, including the greenhouse, stretch over 108 hectares in the southern part of Almaty, at 856 - 906 meters above sea level.
They are home to a collection of flora from Kazakhstan, Russia, the Crimea and Caucasus, North America and East Asia. There are over 7,000 species, varieties and forms of plants, including 375 widespread in Kazakhstan. It is a pleasant place to come relax in the summer.
Free admission. The garden''s108 hectares boast а 7,000-strong collection of plants from Каzаkhstan, Russia, the Crimea and Caucasus, North America and the Far East. The hothouse contains tropical plants and а vast array of cacti.
Atakent (Auezova and Timiryazeva) is the city' s largest business centre, surrounded by greenery. Its pavilions are а popular venue for international exhibitions and fairs. Many of Аlmaty citizens enjoy relaxing here weekends.
Тhis architectural land-mark is one of just eight unique wooden the world. The Gardens of the National Academy of Science, now called the Institute of Botany, were founded in 1932. In 1967, they were given the status of a research institution.
The gardens, including the greenhouse, stretch over 108 hectares in the southern part of Almaty, at 856 - 906 meters above sea level. They are home to a collection of flora from Kazakhstan, Russia, the Crimea and Caucasus, North America and East Asia.
There are over 7,000 species, varieties and forms of plants, including 375 widespread in Kazakhstan. It is a pleasant place to come relax in the summer. Free admission. 48 Timiryazev St.,tel.: 47-66-62; 47-9042.
"Zhetysu is the Land of tourism”. A Tourist Guide-book. Almaty. 2003. 68 p. and the material for this page is taken from the printed edition."Guide to Kazakhstan.
Alexander Petrov.