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SATS Theater for Children and Youth in Almaty.

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“We will not mix theater with the church, for it is more difficult to make a booth by the church than to turn a church into a booth”
Vasily Klyuchevsky (1841 - 1911), historian.
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The founder of the State Academic Russian Theater of Young Spectators in the city of Alma-Ata was Natalia Ilyinichna Sats - the creator of the world's first children's theater in 1918 and about 60 more theaters for children around the world.
N.I. Sats during the war years, when artists from Moscow and Leningrad were evacuated to Alma-Ata wrote about the need to create a theater in the city for children and youth. On September 6, 1944, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Kazakhstan “On the organization of a theater for young spectators in the city of Almaty was issued. And on November 7, 1945, Alma-Ata kids first crossed the threshold of the theater.
At the cradle of the Youth Theater there were remarkable cultural figures who left a bright trace in the history of the art of our country - Sergey Eisenstein, Nikolai Cherkasov, Vera Maretskaya, Vladimir Lugovskoy and many others.
Each period in the development of the Youth Theater is marked by the search for new forms and means of expression. Developing the traditions of Natalia Sats, subsequent directors I. S. Baron, A. L. Madievsky, V. Zhezmer, E. Prasolov and others enriched the theater with new discoveries.
In 1985, by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh SSR No. 50 of February 24, the Theater for Children and Youth of Kazakhstan was divided into two independent groups. Since that time, the Kazakh Youth Theater for them has been working in Alma-Ata. G. Musrepov and Russian Youth Theater named after N. Sats.
Due to the fact that both theaters were in the same building, the performances were staged every other day. In 1986, the theater performs in a new building in the city center, called the "New Stage". Where B.N. Preobrazhensky staged the performances “State of emergency of a district scale” by Y. Polyakov, “Two in the Steppe” by E. Kazakevich, “Doctor Zhivago” by B. Pasternak, “The White Cross” by M. Bulgakov, “Scythian Passion is a Just Misfortune” by O. Suleimenov, “ Accept the collection of motley chapters .. ”A. Pushkin,“ Hamlet ”by W. Shakespeare,“ Unprecedented Confusion ”(Examiner) by N. Gogol. In 1995, in connection with the 50th anniversary, the theater was awarded the title “Academic” and the name of its founder, N. I. Sats.
In 2000, the theater moved into a new building - the Palace of Artists. Since 2006, the Chamber Stage has been operating in the main building of the theater. Today, the theater’s repertoire includes performances on the main stage: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (A. Pushkin), “Fly-Tsokotuha” (K. Chukovsky), “Bunny-Zaznayka” (S. Mikhalkov), “Golden Tea” (S. Kozlov), “The Tale of Nolik, without which tomorrow will not come” (G. Danatarov), “The Tale of the Golden Throne, the Blue Flower and the Old Dombra” (E. Prasolov), “The Magic Lamp of Aladdin” (O. Emelyanova), “ Two Baba Yagi ”(R.Sef, N. Karelina),“ Little Red Riding Hood ”(E. Schwartz),“ Snow White ”(based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale),“ Talisman ”(based on the novel by V. Tokareva),“ Sunset "(I. Babel)," Woe about the mind "(A. Griboe s), "Romeo and Juliet" (William Shakespeare), "White Cloud of Genghis Khan" (Chingiz Aitmatov), "Timur and his team" (Gaidar), "Cat's House" (S. Marshak).
The performances start at 12-00 and 18.00 h.
Ticket price: main stage - 400-500tg; chamber stage (performances for adults) - 2000 tg.
Official website: tuz-sats.kz
Address: st. Chaliapin, 22 ang. Altynsarin Ave.
Tel: 303-25-82 (ticket office), 3032578 (spectator service department), 3032579 (advertising and public relations department)
The theater can be reached with the following routes: 4, 31, 37, 45, 59, 63, 66, 67, 103, 104, 105, 112, 114, 119, 124, 137.
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Monuments of history and culture of Almaty. Catalog of documents of the Archives and Documentation Management and the Central Administration of the City of Almaty. - Almaty, Oner Publishing House, 2003, ss. 120 - 121, pp. 90 - 91;
Malinovskaya E.G., Proskurin V.N. Theater of Young Spectators. - In the book :
Collection of historical and cultural monuments of the city of Almaty. - Almaty, Kazakh Encyclopedia LLP, 2006, pp. 306-308;
Manannikova L.B. I come from the Youth Theater, Almaty, 2010, p. 424; Sats N. Novels of my life, Prince 1-I, M., 1984, p. 496
Vladimir Proskurin (Berlin).