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Vardonzi ancient settlement.

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“Vardana is a big village. There is a big strong fortress. Since ancient times, kings lived there, but in our time there is no longer a royal residence. The village is an ancient city of Bukhara; It was founded by Shahpur-Malik and is located on the border with Turkestan. Every week there was one market day in this village, a lot of merchants gathered there; Zandanichi fabric, well made, was also removed from there”
Historian Narshahi. X century.
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The settlement of Vardonzi is located in the Shafirkan district of the Bukhara region. Vardonzi is a medieval city located 40 kilometers northeast of Bukhara. It is located in the sands of Kyzalkum on the territory of the Shafirkan district. Its total area is 320 hectares.
The ruins of the settlement belong to the XVI - XVII centuries. The city was located on the route of the Great Silk Road. Weaving, sericulture, and sewing were developed here. Since ancient times, kings lived there, but by the tenth century the royal residence was no longer there.
The town was ruled by rulers bearing the title "Vardan-Hudad." Next to the settlement are the sanctuaries of Bibi Zubaydah and Burqa Sarmast, the site of ancient settlement Vardanzi. Vardanzi is an ancient and medieval town 40 km northeast of Bukhara.
The historian Narshahi writes that the city was founded before the rise of Bukhara, Narshahi reports the following about Vardanzi: “Vardana is a big village. There is a big strong fortress. Since ancient times, kings lived there, but in our time there is no longer a royal residence.
The village is an ancient city of Bukhara; It was founded by Shahpur-Malik and is located on the border with Turkestan. Every week there was one market day in this village, a lot of merchants gathered there; Zandanichi fabric, well made, was also removed from there.”
Vardanzi was ruled by a dynasty of kings bearing the title Vardan-Hudat. The city in those days had an important strategic, industrial and commercial importance. He was a border crossing with nomads. The Arabs, led by Kuteiba ibn Muslim, in 708 - 709 years finally conquered the Romitan and Vardan Haudat possessions.
According to legend, the fortress of Vardanzi was founded by the Sasanian prince Shapur. He is also credited with building the canal Shapurkam. The name Vardanzi comes from the word Vordon in Farsi, which means immigrants, newcomers and endings which means from outside, Shakhpur, when he received these lands as a gift from the ruler of Bukhara, moved there with his entire retinue and servants.
Vardanzi was once a big and famous town, but due to the progressive movement of sand, in the XIX century it was filled with them and became uninhabited.
In 1975, a small nature reserve of 324 hectares was established here. The center of the reserve is a high clay hill - the ruins of a fortified castle. However, the reserve had an unfortunate location among agricultural land, on its territory there were no animals included in the Red Book of the Uzbek SSR, and in 1983, the reserved status was replaced with the status of a natural monument.
In the middle of the XIX century, this territory was part of Tyumen (Vardanzi volost), a significant part of it was sandy in 1868.
Famous people from Vardanzi-Ahmed Ibris al Vardani, the theologian-hadith scholar of the 9th-10th centuries, Abu Saad Humam al-Vardani, theologian-the hadithist of the Xth century, Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Vardani (died in 945), the theologian-hadithist, Fitrat Vardonzehi, poet of the XIX century.