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Town of Zaysan.

Sights of the town of Zaysan.
“People usually feel funny, smile and laugh when I tell them
about my strong belief in the very existence of prehistoric
advanced technology and great civilizations of wilier races.
I just can't wait to see their faces at time the truth is revealed”
Toba Beta.
Coach tour from Almaty to Bishkek.
The city of Zaysan is located in southeast parts of the East Kazakhstan region, at the border of Kazakhstan and China. Through Zaysan there passes the automobile highway from Ayagoz to point of boundary transition of Maykapchagay - Zimunay.
Transport availability is added with the airport of the local airlines which are carrying out flights to Ust-Kamenogorsk.Zaysan lies in the foothill valley of the ridge Saur. And in 45 kilometers the lake Zaysan of the same name is located to the North.
The abundance of green pastures on slopes of mountains gave the chance to develop in the city to successful sheep breeding. Farmers of Zaysan are large suppliers of sheep wool and meat. In Zhemeneyki riverheads among the dense woods in 1830 - 1840 the first stone of the city of Zaysan was constructed.
Earlier the city was called Dzhemeneyka. Approximately in 1830 the geographer-surveyor Mayakovsky comes to these places to find the convenient and safe place for construction of a military post in the east of Irtysh.
It was accompanied by the inhabitant of fortress of Bazark Sermenula Syrymbay from a sort Tauken. Dzhemeneyka extended and became the large settlement. Since 1860 life of residents became closely connected with the Lake Zaysan and the Irtysh River.
Numerous travelers from Semipalatinsk, Pavlodar, Karkaraly, Ust-Kamenogorsk and other cities began to call this edge Zaysan. It is specified in official contemporary records that the city received the name "Zaysan" between 1864 - 1868.
In the 18th volume of the geographical encyclopedia published in 1903 in St. Petersburg by A.F.Derbiyen publishing house it is specified that "The first stone of the city of Zaysan is put in 1864 when the most part of the territory of the county belonged to Russia".
And in 1864 the city of Zaysan under the decree of the tsar began to be called the village and was strengthened as fortress military by division under the leadership of the major general of an infantry L.F.Bakov. Fortress found great value when through a customs post Zaysan began to take out from Kazakhstan to China, Tibet, Sinzyan wool, skins, the wood and other raw materials, and to deliver from there fabrics, clothes and manual products.
In 1870 - 1880 2663 Russians, 122 Kazakhs lived in the city, and in 1900 Kazakhs there were 4 thousand. The population began to be engaged in field husbandry, cattle breeding, crop production. District decrees became provincial, in 1857 during formation of counties the Zaysan County was created, and the Zaysan post became the administrative political center of the county.
In the city there was a district administration, customs, treasury, mail telegraph, personal subsidiary farm. In 1880 the cable line connecting the city with Semipalatinsk was stretched. East part of the river Zhemeney, divides a post Zaysan into two parts, "The Cossack settlement" began to be called and consisted of the big street, and in the western part there were 3 - 4 streets, elementary school for Asians, wooden church, the house of the police officer of the administration, trading floor, 110 brick and 7 wooden houses - Potanin wrote.
The city of Zaysan, convenient for domestic and foreign trade, mutual trade with the western China, Mongolia quickly extended, became stronger. The Nikolsky fair which is annually held in May increased trade volume.
Such enterprises as the soap-producing, brewing, brick plants, the plants on processing of wool and skin which had important local value began to open. In the city of Zaysan rich with cheap raw materials, many merchants began to come.
By the end of the XIXth century Zaysan became known as the merchant city. For children of merchants and officials, except Asian elementary school for boys, opened in 1883 initial school for girls. The Zaysan County became multinational.
Here Kazakhs, Russians, Tatars, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kyrgyz, Chinese and representatives of other people lived. In Zaysan which, was the center of the Zaysan County of the Semipalatinsk province there were 2 mosques and 2 churches.
At that time 6 districts of the county were integrated and created by the 17th independent the volost. In the county 12 schools where 350 children studied opened and 17 teachers taught. In 1896 in the city the seven-seater hospital where the medical service was rendered by two doctors opened, businessmen A. S. Khokhlov, Titov, Sobachkin opened the mine, adjusted coal mining in Kendyrlyke.
In 1880 - 1890 the city became the large center, confirmed it also its architecture. In the city the shops, houses from the burned brick created according to the plan Bayazit Satpayev architecture were built ranks. In the city which became the large cultural center the famous poets Sultuanmakhmut Toraygyrov, Aset Naymanbayula, Nogaybayev worked.
Quality and presumably volume of Kendyrlyksky coal were studied by Pavel Vasilyev Mikhaelis. N. Buchmann invented the solar battery which was used in practice by Konshin, and exiled Watson, Tomashevsky, Hudykovsky and others made the contribution to cultural development of edge.
In the town there were two big skinneries. The brick-works of Funtikov worked, the mills located along the river Zhemeneyka provided the city with flour. The brewery of Dobrazhansky provided with the Bavarian beer not only the county, but also exported to border areas. In the city there were two soap factories, and the plant on processing of iron ore which was exported to China, Tibet and Mongolia worked. Sorokin's movie theater showed to the people movies and informed the population on life and events of the planet. Astashev plant producing valenoks from collected wool was of great importance.
In 1922 in the city the district hospital was open. In 1938 was it is open against malaria and later the sanitary epidemiological station. In 1937 the maternity hospital was open. On 7 places where the doctor Shchedrina worked.
In 1945 the first drugstore began to render services. In 1950 the maternity hospital was open in the certain building, beds of places was increased to 100. in 1952 the skin venereologic clinic on the 25th beds of places, in 1958 a tubercular clinic on 25 beds places was open.
In 1926 to Zaysan the city council was created. In the fall of 1928 in the republic counties according to the decision of executive Committee of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) of Kazakhstan were dismissed, instead of them areas were created.
The Zaysan County was divided on Zaysan, Markakolsky, Kokpektinsky, Kyzyltas (Aksutasky) areas. The Zaysan district was created on September 3, 1928 under the Decree of VTsIK. The territory of the area is equal on volume to three volosts now: Manyrak, Black Irtysh, Kendyrlyk.
Till 1930 the Zaysan district was structure of the Semipalatinsk region, since this year began to belong again educated East Kazakhstan. In days of the Great Patriotic War the area left to be at war 6 559 people, from them died 2500. Now in the town there were 29 veterans of war.
Alexander Petrov.