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Village Poperechnoe.

Trip to village Poperechnoe from Ridder.
“Nature encourages no looseness, pardons no errors”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Bureau of travels and excursions Silk Road Adventures in Almaty.
The village Poperechnoe (in translation from Kazakh - Poperechnoe) is in in the territory of the town administration of Ridder of the East Kazakhstan region. Till 2013 the village was a part of the abolished Suburban rural district.
Poperechnoe is the only village which is on the way to West Altai Nature Reserve. It is located in the picturesque place in 31 kilometers from the town of Ridder. From the village the beautiful view of the VysheIvanovskiy ridge 2776 meters high above sea level which is the highest point of the Ivanovskiy ridge opens.
In Poperechnoe several guest houses work. The local cuisine is famous far outside the village. Persons interested can visit the local museum which is in Lyudmila Mikhaylovna Chumak estate, exhibits of the museum will tell you about life of Old Believers.
It is possible to provide walking and bicycle routes for active tourists, and their quantity increases. In the settlement there is a Poperechye ensemble which sings songs of Old Believers. According to historical data, exactly here Old Believers whose patrimonial roots went to Poland got over more than 200 years ago.
From 1799 to 1867 around Riddersk immigrants from the radical Polish settlement Sekisovka of the Vladimir district founded during government colonization of edge in the 1760th years created six settlements of the Riddersky district of the Zmeinogorsky district: Cheremshanka, Butakov, Poperechnoe, Strezhnaya, Pikhtovka and Orlovka.
At the end of the XIXth century residents of these villages are peasants, almost all only descendants of Poles, began a new stage of development of more hard-to-reach spots of headwaters of the river Uby which continued to remain uninhabited until then.
The main reason of withdrawal of people from big villages which influenced resettlement there was a lack of land and periodic persecutions on Old Believers. Desire to live independently, not to pay taxes from the income to the state treasury induced them to leave the made habitable places in more mountain forest jungle.
Resettlement of people happened small settlement and the settlements representing an economic complex of one or two related families. The majority of farms received names on surnames of the first settlers who came to river Uba at serfdom.
And the village Poperechnoe received the name most likely because of the river which flew across the valley. In this village often there are miracles. Late fall 2011 locals found near the village of a pink flamingo which became separated from the frock and nearly froze.
As that in the afternoon the she-bear brought three bear cubs. Animals walked on the central street of the settlement, and near school they were attacked by local dogs. The bear family ran away into the wood. In 1999 the population of the village made 406 people (213 men and 193 women).
According to a census of 2009, 261 persons (139 men and 122 women) lived in the village. The Ubinsky Singsongs festival is annually held in the village Poperechnoe and holding a festival 7 - brings together on July 8 dozens of people, approximate dates. In the program - national songs and dances, a fair of farmer products, sports meets, creative workshops for children and adults.
Phones for reference: 8-705-523-46-50, 8-705-318-04-62. The non-profit organization on development of tourism from Slovakia of Makhaon with assistance of the European Union helped cultural ecological society "Bumerang" from Cross to organize an ecological, ethnographic, folklore festival last year.
The holiday went over with great success, and decided to repeat it this summer. In the program of a festival - performances of folklore collectives from Ust-Kamenogorsk, Ridder and, perhaps, Zyryanovsk. The East Kazakhstan regional architectural ethnographic and natural landscape museum the reserve will organize a fair of crafts at a festival and will hold master classes in a national list on paper, to weaving from a typha and an interline interval, to production of souvenirs from clay, a list on a tree.
Alexander Petrov.