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Igdy-kala fortress.

Trip on ancient fortresses of Turkmenistan in vicinities of Uzboy.
"The word because in the word will leave memory of people is fine.
We leave the earth, and the word from us will remain for ever"
Trip on Igdy kala fortress.
Igdy-kala the Parthian fortress of the Ist one or IV century BC of century AD on the high rocky coast Uzboy forming here a narrow and picturesque canyon. Is in 150 kilometers to the north of Serdar city. In the plan - the wrong trapeze with the parties 60 x 60 x 75 x 45 m.
The northeast wall is built directly on break up to 30 m high, from three other parties fortress is surrounded with the ditch cut in the rock. Fortifications are put from flat stone plates and strengthened by rectangular towers (on all perimeter of walls 11 such towers remained, and walls escaped up to the height of 1,5 m).
In walls and towers the narrow loopholes which had, most likely, the arrow-shaped form typical for antique military architecture of Khwarezm are made. Outside of a wall are covered with a clay plastering, and from within they were adjoined by a corridor like shooting gallery.
As S.P.Tolstov (the head of the expedition which opened this monument in 1954) noted, "in general the fortress constructed of material not peculiar to Khwarezm - a stone, in all details repeated the principles of the Khorezm fortification and construction business, and on appearance thanks to a plastering differed in nothing from the Khorezm late antique strengthenings".
Igdy-kala is constructed for control of the waterway across Uzboy (from India to Black Sea Coast). At the same time fortress played a significant role in contacts of the nomadic population of the region and Parthian state which territory was located to the south.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport. "Religious and spiritual monuments to Central Asia". Author M. Hashimov. Saga publishing house, 2001.