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Tour on Pamir in Tajikistan.

Travel across Pamir in Tajikistan.
"For twelve days you cross the valley; it is called Pamirs, and for the whole twelve days you see no houses, neither vegetation; food should be brought by yourself. There are no birds here because it is high and cold, because of terrible cold, fire is not as bright and not of the colour like in other places"
Wakhan Corridor, view of Hindu Kush.
The Pamir Mountains are a remote wilderness with a history of romance and adventure. The IX century Great Game - the players were British India and Tsarist Russia and the prize was Central Asia - concluded here. The central Pamir (Badakhshan) occupies almost half of modern Tajikistan, a total of 63,700 quare kilometers. The Tajiks call this region Bom-i-Dunyo, the Roof of the World. Merchants and traders have been travelling the Silk Road across the Pamir for centuries. Unlike trading routes across steppe, which form a complex web, the mountain tracks followed a fixed route, passing along valley floors. Thus it is possible to follow the exact routes which have been in use for centuries.
Aside from trade caravans and military units, missionaries and pilgrims passed along this road giving it the name Road of Ideologies. Temples and monasteries along the way remain as evidence of the pre-lslamic religions of Badakhshan. The ancient Badakhshanis worshipped fire, the sun and the spirits of their ancestors, and practiced a Badakhshani version of Buddhism. High above the populated river valleys, the vast, stony Pamir Plateau stretches like a giant dish edged by mountain ranges. This region was known to Ptolemy and was also travelled by Marco Polo, who wrote:
The short description of a route of tour by a high-mountainous part of Tajikistan to mountains of Pamir:
Dushanbe - fortress of Gissar - gorge Romit - Dushanbe - gorge Varzob - town of Vahdat - settlement Fazabad - valley of the river Vakhsh - settlement Obigarm - construction of hydroelectric power station Rogun - valley of the river Obihingou - settlement Tavildara - pass Haburabad of 3252 meters above sea level - settlement Kalai Khumb - river Pyandzh - Khorog - kishlak Andarob - spring Garm Chashma - kishlak Kukhilal – village Ishkashim - kishlak Ryn - Vakhan corridor - kishlak Namdguti - kishlak Zong (fortress Kaakha) - kishlak Darshai - kishlak Yamchun - hot spring Bibi Fatima - kishlak Yamg - kishlak Lyangar - kishlak Ratm - kishlak Khargush - lake Karadara - lake Khargush - pass Khargush of 4344 meters above sea level - kishlak Djelondi - kishlak Mordj - kishlak Bogev - Khorog - town of Kalai-Khumb - town of Sharabad - town of Kulyab - kishlak Vose - hydrochloric mountain Hodzha Mumin of 1334 meters above sea level - Buddhist monastery Adjina-tepe - towny Kurgan-Tyube - settlement Sarband - settlement Lohur - settlement Dangara - settlement Sebistan - Nurek water basin - town of Nurek - town of Vakhdat - Dushanbe.
Extension of route: 2164 km.
Seasonallity: from May 1th till Oktober, 30th.
Best time for excursion: May - August.
Duration of tour: 12 days, 11 nights.
The detailed program of automobile and foot tour across Tajikistan:
Travel Tajikistan Guide.
Day 1. Dushanbe. Excursion on sights of Dushanbe.
Arrival by morning flight in city Dushanbe. A meeting at the airport, transfer to hotel, accommodation. The beginning of excursion on city Dushanbe to capital of Tajikistan. The city Dushanbe, till 1961 was called - the city of Stalinabad. Dushanbe is located in center Ghissar of a valley at height more than 800 meters above sea level. From the north and the east it is surrounded with mountains with snow-white tops of Ghissar mountains.
The highest tops rise up to heights of four and more thousand meters above sea level, from the southern party the river Kafirnigan proceeds. Visiting of a museum of ethnography. The collection of ethnographic places of interest of culture and a life of Tadjik people is stored in a museum of ethnography of Tajikistan. The building of a museum of ethnography has been constructed in 1934.
Visiting of a national museum of antiquities of Tajikistan. Opening ceremony of a new building of the National museum of Tajikistan took place in March, 2013 in Dushanbe. The museum consists of 22 greater and small exposition halls. These are departments of the nature, an antiquity of the Middle Ages new and the newest history, graphic and applied arts. Visiting of Park of a Victory over hills where it is possible photographing a panorama of city Dushanbe. Lunch in local cafe or restaurant.
Visiting of East market Shokhmansur. Market Shokhmansur - the central market of city, at a market is also the second name - the Green Market. The market noisy, close, interesting and diverse. Here it is possible to get everything, that you will wish from food stuffs up to national clothes and souvenirs. Evening walk on downtown at monument Somoni, in park Rudaki, at national library of Tajikistan, on the area where is a flag of Tajikistan.
Dinner in national tea bar Rokhat. Tea bar Rokhat has won sympathy and love of the clients since 1958. Since second half XX century is the biggest and popular tea bar Dushanbe. The wooden east patterns created by hands of the Tadjik masters, are an original work of art which made national colour, as does tea bar Rokhat by place of interest of city. Returning in hotel, overnight.
Day 2. Dushanbe - pass Haburabad of 3252 meters above sea level - town of Kalai Khumb (283 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Dushanbe - settlement Kalai Khumb. Our way from Dushanbe up to settlement Kalai Khumb lays through two high-mountainous mountain ridges -Vakhs and Khazrati-Shokh. From settlement Obigarm we eat along the river Vakhsh which in a southwest runs in Nurek a water basin.
At settlement Darband from northeast in the river Vakhsh runs the rivers Surhob and Obikhingou. From settlement Darband our way on a southeast lays along the river Obihingou to settlement Tavildara in which vicinities there is one of the most beautiful valleys of foothills of Pamir. A lunch in a way.
Arrival in Kalai Khumb. Transfer to the guest house, accommodation. Town of Kalai Khumb (in translation with Tadjik Kalyai Khumb - «a fortress on the river Khumb»). It is located at height of 1200 meters above sea level, near to a confluence of the river Humbob of the river Pyandzh. Is on border with Afghanistan. The population in Kalai Khumb nearby 2000 person. It is based in XV century, as a fortress on the river Humbob. Till 1878 was capital independent Tadjik emirate Darvaz.
Since 1878 - center Darvaz emirate Bukhara emirate In 1930 - 1991 - the center of area Kalai Khumb It is Mountain-Badakshan autonomous region of Tajikistan. The dinner and overnight in the guest house about the river Pyandzh the dividing Tajikistan with Afghanistan.
Day 3. Kalai Khumb - river Pyandzh - Khorog (245 km).
Breakfast. Transfer to Khorog. On all way up to the town of Khorog, our way will be along the abounding in water river Pyandzh, the road along which will result to Khorog. On a way us accompany unique mountain Pamir with landscapes, multi-coloured mountains of Tajikistan and Afghanistan.
On all way the river Pyandzh awake with border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan. A lunch in a way. Arrival in Khorog, transfer to hotel, accommodation. The town of Khorog - the center It is Mountain-Badakshan autonomous region. Travel on Big Pamir to a path from here begins. The status of the town of Khorog has received in 1932.
The town is located at the bottom of deep gorge at height of 2200 meters above sea level, near to a place of a confluence of the river Gunt in the river Pyandzh. Owing to a finding of city in a deep canyon, the city is protected from strong winds and cold temperatures during the winter period, summer here warm and dry. Above Khorog in Ishkashim a ridge peak Mayakovskiy which height makes 6096 meters above sea level towers. 30 000 person lives in city.
The beginning of excursion across Khorog. Visiting of a town museum of history Mountain-Badakshan region, a local market. Visiting Pamir of a botanical garden of town. Above east part of town, at height of 2320 meters above sea level, on terraces of the river Shahdary is well-known Pamir the botanical garden taking the second place in the world on height (after a botanical garden in Nepal), with the unique flora delivered from different corners of a planet. Returning in hotel, a dinner and overnight.
Day 4. Khorog - settlement Ishkashim (120 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Khorog - kishlak Andarob - source Garm Chashma (42 km). Further our way lays also along the river Pyandzh. At kishlak Andarob we turn off on the left aside source Garm Chashma (7 km). Arrival on source Garm Chashma, walks in vicinities of a source, interested persons can be expiated in hot waters sources. Garm Chashma, it is hot mineral sources in area Ishkashim It is Mountain-Badakshan autonomous region.
Are located on western slope Sjakhdara of a ridge of Pamir, on the average watercourse Garm Chashma, the right inflow of the river Pyandzh. These sources for the first time are investigated in 1928 Russian by A.N.Labuntsovym and its assistant N.I.Beryozkinym. Mineral waters leave on a surface from greater depths from ancient crystal and breeds in the form of gushing forth griffins. The hill ledges goes down to the river. Water of sources Garm Chashma concerns to hydrogen sulphide carbonic, chloride a hydrocarbonate, sodium silicon therma.
The maintenance of hydrogen sulphide in water of 170 mg/l. Average temperature of water 59 °С. The general mineralization 3,0 - 3,3 g/l. Owing to a high mineralization of water, large beautiful stalactites, thermal reservoirs were formed congestions of carbonic calcium.
A lunch in a way. Further transfer: Garn Chashma - kishlak Khuhilal (5 km) - kishlak Ishkashim (60 km). On a way to us kishlak Kuhilal from the left party from road will meet. In vicinities of this settlement, there is a mountain Kuhilal, here there is a deposit well-known badakshanо «Lala» - noble spinel, known also under the name «Badakshan lal» and mentioned in Khudud-Al-Alame (982 year), the book "Mineralogy" Al Biruni and in book Marko Polo (XIII century), written that local residents «dig in mountain Shighinan (Shugnan) and extract there Balashi (rubies) under the imperial order». During researches in mountain Kuhilal it was revealed about 500 ancient developments VIII - XI centuries. Arrival in Ishkashim, transfer to the guest house, accommodation.
Ishkashim - a kishlak, area Ishkashim It is Mountain-Badakshan autonomous region. Kishlak Ishkashim it is located in a southeast part of the country, on coast of the river Pyandzh, on border with Afghanistan. The population of a kishlak approximately 6 567 person. Place of interest of settlement is the Afghani market spent on the days off in a neutral territory behind the bridge through Pyandj. Here inhabitants of nearby settlements from both parties sell the Chinese consumer goods, vegetables, fruit, fabrics, carpets and other trifle.
Here it is possible to buy the presents Maksudovki-Pushtunki. Near the kishlak is a small cave. On the Afghani party, on other I protect the rivers, the town also named Ishkashim is located. In 3 kilometers to the north from village there is a bridge through Pyandj which have been constructed in 2006, having connected two settlements. Walks on Ishkashim, acquaintance to culture, ethnography and a life of local residents. A dinner and overnight in the guest house.
Day 5. Kishlak Ishkashim - kishlak Lyangar (200 km).
Breakfast. Approximately through 9 kilometers from settlement Ishkashim in vicinities of kishlak Dasht Suleiman the southern part Tadjik Vakhan a corridor which comes to an end at kishlak Lyangar where we and go today begins. Vakhan a corridor - a narrow strip of territory of Afghanistan, width in a narrow part less than 20 km and length more than 200 kilometers, stretched in width a direction along southern border of the Tadjik Pamir (Mountain Badakshan).
Transfer: Ishkashim - kishlak Ryn (1,5 km). On our way to the left of road kishlak Ryn will meet, it is one the most densety populated settlements on Pamir. It is possible to assume, that Ryn has arisen during development of the Great Silk way (II century up to B.C. - XV century, the kishlak was a reloading point in Vakhan a corridor, connecting ancient China with Forward Asia and the Europe. The historical certificate, representation about age Ryn, ruins of a boundary fortress of period Akhemenid of an empire (VI - IV в.в are giving.).
In village some residential buildings to which have more two hundred than years were saved. In village Ryn one of pearls of world language history which now disappears - Ishkashim the language also called Ryn by language (rnigi zvok) was saved and develops. At present on Ishkashim language speak only two settlements on a right bank of the river Pyandzh are villages Ryn (1000 native speakers) and Sumdjin (360 native speakers).
Transfer: kishlak Ryn – kishlak Namadguti (13 km). Further interesting place of interest on our way will be kishlak Namadguti. In settlement is sacred for Ismailits a place - tomb of the saint Shokhi Mardon Khazrati Ali. An interesting and unusual altar at мазара, on corners stone hemispheres of green color, on a legend brought with the Near East arabs are established. Also in kishlak Namadguti is the largest in area a history-study of local lore museum (it is opened in November 2005).
The house for a museum have started to build in the beginning of 90th years of the last century, construction last almost for 15 years. Its regional specialist Odinamamad Mirzoev by means of fellows villager and the sons - Mirzo, Akhmadjon and Muso has finished. The basic part of money for a building of a museum was collected by its fellow countrymen working in Moscow.
Transfer: Kishlak Namadguti - kishlak Zong (12 km).
In two kilometers from kishlak Zong there is a well-known fortress (more correctly ruins) - one of the most ancient fortresses of the Western Pamir - Kaakha (III century up to н.э. - VII century). Fortress Kaakha is called named a legendary bogatyr, tsar fire-worshippers Kakh-Khaha. The fortress is on a rock in the middle of a valley, on right I protect the rivers Pyandzh, length of 675 meters, width of 200 meters. Powerful, from a stone and adobe block, double walls are strengthened by 56 round and square towers with loopholes.
On a citadel towering in a northwest corner palace premises are located some. At the river to the site protected by towers, in the past, through a narrow channel of the river Pyandzh the bridge has been constructed. Near to a fortress on huge boulders it is possible to see ancient petroglyphs.
Through road from a fortress is medieval tomb of the saint «Shokhi mardon» («The Master of men») - the sacred place most known in Tadjik Vakhane. The name means title Ali - one of four just caliphs of an islam. Tomb of the saint, small whitewashed lime carbonate construction, with a flat roof with portrait Ali above an input, with the small open terrace and an orchard in a court yard.
Transfer: Kishlak Zong (fortress Kaakha) - kishlak Darshai (20 km).
Kishlak Darshai is located on a place of a confluence of the river Pyandzh of the small river Darai Darshai current in a deep canyon. Directly from road, on the right coast of a canyon it is possible to rise to ruins of a small fortress. The location of a fortress has been chosen by ancient builders ideally, the fortress supervised ancient caravan a way.
Along a canyon, on the north, the mountain track to dominating top of area - to peak Maykovskiy of 6 095 meters above sea level begins. Nearby from here, in vicinities of a kishlak, on an eminence, is small tomb of the saint and the Nikolaev Cossack post (1890th years). Lunch in a way.
Transfer: kishlak Darshai - kishlak Yamchun (31 km).
Arrival in kishlak Yamchun. Visiting of fortress Yamchun. The fortress consists of two platforms. The first borrows all average part of rock. Distance of the first platform from the north on the south of 450 meters. The wall of a platform is strengthened by 22 round towers with loopholes.
The second platform, is located from the southeast party, in the form of a quadrangle 150 х 200 meters. The fortress concerns to Kushan to the period. It is dated III - I centuries up to B.C. The fortress is located above settlement Jamchun, on a stony slope, in gorge and the rivers Jamchun.
After visiting fortress Yamchun a trip on hot source Bibi Fatima (6 km). Water of a source contains radon, ions of lithium, nickel, bromine, molybdenum, zinc. The source is named in honour of the wife of prophet Mohammed and, according to the legend, waters of a source possess treating properties. The source is in narrow gorge Jamchun. The temperature of water in a source the year round exceeds боле 40 degrees.
Transfer: source Bibi Fatima - kishlak Yamg (11 km).
Arrival in kishlak Yamg. Visiting of house-museum Muborakhi Vakhani in a kishlak (kishlak Yamg has a second name - Vrang). The local scientist lived In kishlak Yamg - the self-educated person, the seminary student, the calligrapher, the musician, the poet and the inventor - Sufi Muborakkadam (1843 - 1910).
For its its natural genius Vinci from Yamg "name Muborak Vakhan" Leonard yes. He has lived not long, but the life filled by kind affairs where did not leave and has died in a native kishlak. On a spacious glade, near to its house there is a vertical stone with an aperture (a solar calendar) by means of which Sufi Muborakkadam defined days of calendar holidays.
Whether it is not known itself Muborak has made an aperture in a stone or has found it and has established it in the certain place. By means of this calendar, he precisely defined day of a spring equinox (on March, 21st) - Navrus (New day).
Fellows villager are proud and memory of a great ancestor and in one of ancient houses have created an interesting museum. Here the musical instruments made by hands Muborak, a weaving loom, the books written by it (a paper for them Muborak too did itself), subjects of a life are collected. Here the original list of a ceiling representing people, animal, plants and calligraphical inscriptions was saved. Nearby behind kishlak Yamg is tomb of the saint where it is buried Muborak Vakhani. On a slope of mountain directly above kishlak Yamg is Buddhist stupa and the rests of ancient city (IV - VII с.с.).
Transfer: kishlak Yamg - kishlak Lyangar (36 km).
Further our way from kishlak Yamg up to Lyangar there passes along the river Pyandzh, on the opposite party of the river territory of Afghanistan, from the machine the adjacent territory of the country is well looked through. The life and culture of people living on the opposite party differs nothing from Tajikistan. Arrival in Lyangar, transfer to the guest house, accommodation.
Kishlak Lyangar located at height of 3000 meters above sea level, closes Tadjik part Vakhan of a valley. A kishlak mountains in the east, the West and the south - Shakh-Darf and Vakhan ridges and Hindu Kush. Here it is always windy.
At kishlak Lyangar the mighty river Pyandzh formed by merge of two rivers - the Tadjik Afghan Pamir with pure and transparent water of turquoise color, and Afghani Vakhan originates.
Walk in vicinities of kishlak Layngar. Visiting of fortress Buddha. Visiting petroglyphs Kisht and sanctuary Shokh Kambari Oftob. Petroglyphs begin from northern surburb of settlement Langar and last up to southern slopes Shokhdara of a ridge.
The basic part of figures is in a valley of the river Langardary at height 2700 - 3500 meters above sea level. Quantity of figures nearby 6000. Figures are beaten out on wide surfaces of granite rocks.
They are united in some large "fields" connected among themselves by a chain of separate figures, and meet, beginning from Shakhdara a ridge, almost up to a watershed. Mountain goats and different wild animals, stages of hunting, horsemen, distinction of the form Tamgha, signs on a circle, etc.
Figures dates by the different periods, an epoch of bronze, 1 thousand up to B.C are represented. Before occurrence of Moslem doctrine. The great bulk of figures is executed in the form of «dot technics», beaten out by metal subjects or a stone. Other interesting type of figures - images Rubobs, a favourite musical instrument of local residents. It is remarkable, that in the Central Asia there are no petroglyphs, representing musical instruments, here them more such 300 figures. Returning in the guest house, a dinner and overnight.
Day 6. Kishlak Lyangar - kishlak Djelondi (200 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Lyangar - kishlak Ratm (6 km). Visiting of an ancient fortress in kishlak Ratm.
The Fortress is located at merge of the rivers Pamirs with Vakhan, hardly above kishlak Ratm. The fortress was the strategic advanced post constructed in Kushan an epoch (Kushan an empire (I - III centuries) - the ancient state in territory of modern Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northern India). A lunch in a way.
The further transfer: kishlak Ratm - kishlak Khargush - lakes Karadara (72 km). Photographing and about walk in vicinities of lake Karadara. Transfer: lake Karadara - lake Hargush (5 km). Photographing and about walk in vicinities of lake Hargush.
Transfer: lake Khargush - pass Khargush of 4344 meters above sea level - lake Chukurkul (14 km). The pass Khargush overcomes Southern-Alichur mountain ridge which was stretched in width a direction along border with Afghanistan. Photographing and walk in vicinities of lake Chukurkul.
Transfer: lake Chukurkul - high-mountainous line Khorog - Murghab - lake Yashilkul (27 km).
Approximately through 12 kilometers after lake Chukurkul we leave on an automobile line which connects two towns of Pamir - Khorog and Murghab. From here our way lays on northwest to one of the most beautiful lakes of high-mountainous Pamir - to lake Yashilkul. Photographing and walk in vicinities of lake Yashilkul.
Transfer: lake Yashilkul - river Toguzbulak - settlement Tagarkaki - pass Koi-Tezek 4 271 meter above sea level - settlement Djelondi (76 km).
Arrival in Djelondi, transfer to the guest house, accommodation. Walk in vicinities of kishlak Djelondi. A trip to sanatorium Djelondi, bathing to thermal sources. Returning in the guest house, a dinner and overnight.
Day 7. Djelondi - kishlak Shitam - kishlak Bogev – town Khorog (131 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Djelondi - kishlak Bogev (115 km). On our way to vicinities of kishlak Varshez, the river Toguzbulak merges with the river Gunt, from here our way up to the town of Khorog will be along the river Gunt. Arrival in kishlak Bigev. Kishlak Bogev is in northeast from Khorog. Transfer on archeologic complex Kofir-Kala, visiting of archeologic complex Kofir-Kala. Archeologic complex Kofir-Kala, consists of a fortress with a citadel and the rests of two round temples, radius of 11 meters and 9 meters.
Both of a temple had stone along walls, the centers and stone obelisks in the middle. Probably, temples were blocked by wooden step ceilings with the light hatch in a roof. In a combination to fortifications and towers temples made well strengthened socially-cult center Shugnan connected with worship to the sun in an antiquity and the Middle Ages. The tradition of erection of round structures and the symbolics connected with them was characteristic for Saks burial grounds of East Pamir. Transfer: kishlak Bogev - Khorog (16 km). Transfer to hotel, accommodation, a dinner and overnight.
Day 8. Khorog - town of Kulyab (423 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Khorog – Kalai-Khumb (245 km). Arrival in Kalai-Khumb, a lunch in local cafe. Rest. Transfer: Kalai-Khumb - the town of Kulyab (178 km). On a way of our following, at once beyond Khorog we shall overcome Rushan a ridge, for town of Rushan Yazgulem a ridge and in vicinities of town of Vanch a ridge. Arrival in the town of Kulyab.
The town of Kulyab is in Khatlon province in Tajikistan. It is located in a valley of the river Jahsu, river basin Pyandj, at bottom of ridge Khazratishoh. The town is the fourth town in republic on the population of 101 200 inhabitants (according to on 2015). Arrival in Kulyab, transfer to hotel, accommodation, a dinner and overnight.
Day 9. Kulyab - town Kurgan Tyube (154 km).
Breakfast. Excursion on town, visiting of a town museum of history. Visiting the main place of interest of town of the mausoleum Mir Sayid Ali Khamadoni in the town of Kurgan Tyube. A memorial complex Mir Sayid Ali Khamadoni (XIV - XVII c.c.) Is in down town Kulyab, in a park zone. Mir Sayid Ali Khamadoni was the outstanding figure of XV century - the poet, the philosopher and the thinker. In the mausoleum Mir Sayid Ali Khamadoni is buried its son Muhammad, numerous relatives and the former inspector of the mausoleum and a mosque - sheikh Shohi Tolikoni from the Afghani town of Tolukana.
The mausoleum represents traditional medieval construction. Originally she had three portal inputs with the dome hall decorated by a carved decor. This construction is dated the end of XV century. Later to it the mosque and a tomb have been attached. In 70th years of the last century the mausoleum has been restored. Near to the mausoleum there is a marble gravestone with inscriptions in the Arabian and Persian language, decorated by a geometrical ornament. On the western party of a gravestone there is an inscription which says, that here lay low the son of governor Khatlon - Amir Muhammad bin Shah Abdulla. A tomb stone, the rectangular form, weight about ton. Under the legend, he has been delivered to Kulyab from India on elephants.
Transfer: town of Kulyab - kishlak Vose - hydrochloric mountain Khodzha Mumin of 1334 meters above sea level (14 km).
Visiting hydrochloric mountain Khodzha Mumin. The mountain consists of pure salt of various colors: blue, green and pink, pale-yellow and grey. Millions years ago on this place there was an ancient sea - Tetis. On its day salt which was squeezed from different directions with rocks was gradually formed. As a result, salt was formed in the form of a huge column. Today the dome of mountain rises upwards more than on one kilometer, and leaves downwards, in bowels of the ground on 4 kilometers. The most interesting in mountain Khodzha Mumin, is caves. Fine as a carved lace, they consist of hydrochloric stalactites. Many of caves publish surprising music when impulses of a wind shake ringing hydrochloric icicles.
Transfer: mountain Khodzha Mumin - settlement Vose - kishlak Okchinok - fortress Khalbuk (28 km).
Excursion on fortress Khalbuk. In 1952 by archeologists there has been begun research of place Khisht-Tepa (in translation with Tadjik - «The Brick hill»), near town Kurgan Tyube. Presumably here also there was «die away» a medieval capital. Its all area (about 70 hectares) abounded with pieces of pottery and glass, ceramic and metal slags, fragments burnt a brick. Excavation have confirmed, that on this hill, in center Khulbuk, the palace of the local governor settled down.
The palace consisted of greater rectangular rooms and long wide corridors. Floors, like a parquet were, are laid out burnt by a brick. The palace had a rich furniture, walls and ceilings have been decorated wall by painting in the form of images of soldiers, musicians and musical instruments, and also a groove on alabaster in the form of a vegetative and geometrical ornament, Arabian interwoven ornament, images of fishes and mythical animals.
Transfer: fortress Khalbuk - kishlak Sargazon - kishlak Lokhur - settlement Sarband - hill Adjina-tepe (117 km).
On a way visiting of lake Lyarkul in kishlak Lokhur. Not reaching town Kurgan Tyube, before settlement Sarband it is turned on the left and we move to Buddhist monastery Adjina-tepe. Here the rests of a Buddhist monastery VII - VIII centuries (a sanctuary, Cell, Stupa, sculptures, wall painting) were well saved. In 1961 on this place archaeology excavations which have helped to take from the ground over 1500 monuments of art have begun: sculptures, reliefs, fragments wall the painting, the inhabited from uniform ensemble inhabited and cult premises of a Buddhist monastery.
The monastery in Adjina-tepe consisted of two parts (a temple and a monastery), two rectangular court yard surrounded by buildings and strong walls. In one of court yard there was Greater Stupa (a construction for storage of relics or for a designation of sacred places). In corners of a court yard settled down Small Stupa the same form, as well as Greater Stupa. The monastery has been ornate, walls and the arches are covered by painting.
Within the precincts of there were niches where there were greater and small sculptures of the Buddha. The most sensational find Adjina-tepe became a huge statue clay Buddhas in a nirvana, found in 1966 in one of corridors of a monastery. And, it has been found out, only the bottom part of a figure - from a belt up to a sole of legs. The top part of a sculpture has appeared strongly damaged.
All other fragments of a sculpture have been found separately. Today the sculpture of the Buddha in a nirvana is exhibited at the National museum of antiquities of Tajikistan in Dushanbe. She is the sculpture of the Buddha found in territory of modern Central Asia largest on the sizes.Transfer to town Kurgan Tyube (19 km), arrival in Kurgan Tyube, transfer to hotel, accommodation, dinner and overnight.
Day 10. Excursions on vicinities of city Kurgan Tyube (292 km).
Breakfast. Excursion on town visiting of a town history-study of local lore museum. The quantity of exhibits in a museum in Kurgan Tyube makes approximately 700 copies. Place of interest of a museum is the diopama «Tepai Kurgon» and «Pastai Kosibon» - all over again the picture on a theme of past Vaksh of a valley where except for the burnt ground, the ruthless sun and rare caravans was not anything upwards rises, then before eyes of visitors the remarkable panorama of a new valley with cities and modern constructions opens.
Transfer: Kurgan Tyube - kishlak Sanaot - kishlak Yangiabad - settlement Kubodien - kishlak Khavaskor - kishlak Chirik - kishlak Teshik-Tosh - archeologic complex Takhti Sangin (127 km).
The unique treasures which have received the name are stored in the British museum «Amu Darya clade» (or «Clade Oks»). Clade has been found in 1877 on right I protect Amu Darya (during its Greek period named Oks). The find consisted of more than 2000 gold and silver coins, gold products IV - III centuries B.C. The Local residents who have found clade, have sold to its merchants going with a caravan to India, there from clade has got already to England.
In 1976 archeologists have begun excavation of a site of ancient settlement in natural boundary Tahti Kubad. This stone site of ancient settlement named by archeologists Takhti Sangin, has appeared unique. In the center of a site of ancient settlement the ancient temple which has received the name «Temple Oks» has been dug out. Within 15 years of excavation on Ottoman Sangine it has been found more than 5 thousand subjects of historical importance Greek Baktria time.
Transfer: complex Takhti Sangin - kishlak Tekish-Tosh - kishlak Chirik - kishlak Khavaskor - settlement Shaartauz - kishlak Saiyed - mausoleum-madrasah Khodja-Mashad (41 km).
Arrival in kishlak Saiyed, transfer to the mausoleum-madrasah, excursion in vicinities of a monument. mausoleum-madrasah Khodja-Mashad (IX - XI в.в.), located in settlement Saiyed, amazes imagination with monumentalism of forms and virtuosity of a bricklaying. It is the unique mausoleum which has saved in the Central Asia with a wooden groove. The district where the mausoleum is located, from an antiquity is known as «Kabodian» and long since drew attention of travellers.
Khodja-Mashad - the known real person in the Islamic world, he has come in Kabodian from the countries of the Near East approximately in the end IX - beginning X of centuries. In local legends it is spoken, that the mausoleum has appeared for one night and is the miracle sent on the ground by the Allah. The monument represents two separate mausoleums costing by a number, connected by vaulted pass.
Near to Kurgan Tyube, on coast of the river Vakhsh, there is very interesting place - ruins of site of ancient settlement Lagman which time of occurrence is dated X - XIII centuries. In the middle of XX century of excavation during which archeologists had been found out pipes of an ancient water pipe, the wells which have been laid out by a brick, fortifications with towers here were conducted. This town, in days of the blossoming was one of the largest settlements of ancient Bactria and borrowed enough greater on those times territory - 43 hectares. A lunch in cafe in settlement Shaartauz.
Transfer: mausoleum-madrasah Khodja-Mashad - settlement Shaartauz - settlement the Commune of Paris - spring Chiluchor Chashma (19 km).
Spring Chiluchor Chashma («Forty four springs») - so is called a place located in the south of Tajikistan. Here the small hill, in the middle of the heated desert, from under the ground has five greater water sources, breaking up on 39 fine. All springs, merging, form the river in width 12 - 13 meters in which a lot of fish lives. The legend narrates that just caliph Ali, having seen the dried up river Romit, has reached in Chiluchor Chashma and has asked the Allah to give some water.
Thus he has struck a hand in bottom of a nearby hill, and there where its fingers have concerned the grounds, there were five pure springs. Nearby on a hill the small mausoleum towers. In him it is ostensibly buried certain sacred by name Kambar Bobo which, under the legend, was the head of a stable of caliph Ali. Here there are tombs of four more sacred.
Transfer: spring Chiluchor Chashma - settlement Shaartauz - settlement Kubodien - town Kurgan Tyube (105 km). Arrival in Kurgan Tyube, transfer to hotel, accommodation, a dinner and overnight.
Day 11. Kurgan Tyube - Dushanbe (116 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Kurgan Tyube - Nurek a water basin (38 km). A stop in vicinities Nurek a water basin, walk, photographing of vicinities. Transfer: Nurek a water basin - Dushanbe (78 km). Arrival in Dushanbe, transfer to hotel, accommodation. A free time. A farewell dinner and overnight.
Day 12. Departure from Dushanbe.
Accompanying service at departure to airport. A start from Dushanbe.
Price Quotation.
For a shorter tour, you can start or finish in Dushanbe. For a longer tour, we can add trekking or other activities. It is also possible to do this route in the reverse direction, starting in Osh and finishing in Tashkent.
There are a number of factors which we will use to determine the final price:
The exact itinerary and options that you select.
Type of vehicle (Western 4WD with aircon).
Seating arrangement (3 passengers per car or 4 passengers per car).
Accommodation options (best available or most economical).
Timing of trip. The season for this itinerary is from June until October. We can offer a discounted rate at the beginning (June) or end (October) of the season.
Normally we include the following services in our quotation:
All documentation and paper work (visa support, GBAO permit, registration with OVIR, trekking license if required, ecological tax). For groups of two or more people we can arrange a group visa for Tajikistan to be collected at the border. Individual travellers must obtain their visa in advance at an embassy or at Dushanbe airport if arriving in Tajikistan by air.
Vehicles and drivers.
English-speaking guide\ interpreter. Please enquire for languages other than English.
Full board (including a dedicated cook if required) - except in large cities with a good choice of restaurants, where we usually provide breakfast only.
Accommodation as specified in the itinerary.
Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author petrovsra@mail.ru
Alexander Petrov