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Balayuk cave.

Guided excursion trip on Mangyshlak.
“Nature encourages no looseness, pardons no errors”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Trip to Balayuk cave on Mangyshlak.
Bulyoyik Cave is located in the southeastern, Kazakh part of the Ustyurt plateau, southeast of the Kulkiyaz Kolka tract, 32 kilometers southwest of the border with Turkmenistan and 52 kilometers southeast of the Karynzharyk depression. in the Karakiya district in the Mangistau region.
Karst caves are not typical for lowland Mangyshlak, but enjoy considerable spread in the plateau. The largest cave is 2.5 km South-East of the Balayuk necropolis, open S. E. Petrov and A. N. Slyusarev in 1959.
The entrance to the cave is in karst funnel with a length of 50 m, a width of 6 to 15 meters, with a depth of about 7 meters. On the Eastern side there is the exit for the slope of the funnel to close proximity to the entrance to the cave.
The cave is represented by a single stroke consisting of alternating high-angle (40 - 70°) and horizontal sections. The sloping land corridor type with a length of 40 to 80 meters, a width of 4 to 10 meters and a height of 6 to 10 meters, with a stepped ceiling and uneven floor covered with debris and huge boulders of limestone.
Horizontal sections are extensions halls trapezoidal cross section. Ceiling usually dome-shaped, rarely flat, smooth floor. The length of the halls 15 - 20 meters, width 8 - 10 meters, a height of 6 to 15 meters. In the cave there are three such halls, connected by inclined corridors.
Halls are located at a depth of 28 ,75 and 120 meters. Third room (the depth of 120 meters) is a dead end and employs a small lake with blue tint, 20 meters long and 10 meters wide. The lake water is cold +10, +13 degrees.
The taste of water, first salted, and then I notice that it is very bitter. In the cave we visited with a group of Kazakhstani and Japanese researchers in April 2012. You should have 60 meters of rope, flashlights.
So it is necessary to remove the garbage after the visit to the cave. The upper part of the cave, at the entrance, smoked heavily, from the use of torches. I note that on the altimeter clock “Seiko” that operate from atmospheric pressure, at the edge of the lake, in a cave, the negative differential of the height was equal to from 70 to 100 meters.
Geographical coordinates of the Buloyik cave: E 54º 43י58.28ײ N 42º 26י47.91ײ
Geographical society of USSR Institute carst and speleology Perm awards of the Labour Red Banner state University of a name A.M. Gorykiy. Perm – 1974,
Alexander Petrov.
Alexander Petrov.
photos by.