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Inylchek tau ridge.
Peaks in Inylchek tau ridge.
“What an open space! What an enchanting beauty in all these snow giants, towering up to the sky! What a variety of colors and tones in these fabulous cliffs of an endless chain of mountains, lost somewhere far, far away. How deeply all this touches the soul and heart of a person! He is seized by such a feeling of delight, which is beyond human strength to describe."
Sergey Kirov.
Sights of Inylchek tau mountain.
The Inylchek tau ridge is located in the eastern part of the Central Tien Shan mountains, located between the South Inylchek valleys in the north and Kaindy in the south in the Ak-Suu district of the Issyk-Kul region.
The length of the ridge from southwest to east is 55 kilometers, the width in the central part is 14 kilometers. The western border of the ridge is the Western Atjailau River, its mouth is located at an altitude of 2880 meters above sea level, which is the right tributary of the Kaindy.
In the east, the boundaries of the Inylchek Tau ridge are the submeridional Komsmomolets glacier with a length of 16 kilometers, flowing down from the northern slope of the Kokshaal-Too ridge. The northeastern border of the ridge abuts against the South Inylchek glacier.
In the southeast, the borders of the ridge are the northern slopes of the Kaindy-Katta ridge. In the south and southeast of the Inylchek Tau ridge, the Kaindy glacier stretches in a sublatitudinal direction for 25 kilometers.
The dominant summit of the ridge is Shokalsky Peak 5722 meters above sea level located in the eastern part of the ridge. The longest glacier Inylchek tau - Shokalsky, 8.2 kilometers long, is also located here, which is the left tributary of the South Inylchek glacier.
The mouth of the Shokalsky glacier is located at an altitude of 3515 meters above sea level. The next highest peak is Nansen Peak, 5697.2 meters above sea level, located in the northern spur. The Kanjailau glacier with a length of 9.3 kilometers descends from the southern slopes of Nansen Peak.
The tongue of the glacier is covered with a moraine cover and is severely ruptured. At an altitude of 4090 meters above sea level, the southern and northern branches of the Kanjailau glacier merge. The ridge is composed of metamorphic shales and limestones.
Geographic coordinates of the Inylchek tau ridge: N42 ° 08'09.99 "E79 ° 37'00.83"
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Vladimir Serbenko.