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Kurmenty gorge in “Kolsai Kolderi” park.

Adventure tours in Kazakhstan.

“What everyone can do - do no harm! Don't be indifferent! Do not destroy! He who planted a tree will not break it "

N.F. Reimers.

Hiking tours in “Kolsai Kolderi” park.

The gorge is 22.5 kilometers long and ends on the lower terrace in front of the mouth of the Kurmenty River at an altitude of 1527.8 meters above sea level. The gorge begins from the Kurmenty pass, located in the main ridge of the Kungey Alatau ridge at an altitude of 3445 meters above sea level.
In the lower part of the gorge, at an altitude of 1709 meters above sea level, there is the village of Kurmeti, which is part of the Satynsky settlement district. An asphalt road was laid from the village of Saty to the village of Kurmenty, and further from the village, up the left side of the Kurmenty River, a dirt road was laid to hayfields, koshars and farms.
At an altitude of 2027 meters above sea level, the road turns to the western slope of the gorge, rises to the dividing ridge between the Kurmenty and Taldy rivers, passes the eastern slope of the Taldy gorge and leads to the right bank of the river of the same name.
The length of this road is 10 kilometers. The highest part of the gorge is Teristik peak, which is 3987.3 meters above sea level. The alpine part of the gorge is covered with alpine meadows; there are no glaciers in the gorge.
The talus pass Kurmenty is located at an altitude of 3445 meters above sea level. The pass is located west of the Aratau peak and east of the peak 3721 meters above sea level. The state border between the Republics of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan runs along the pass.
Geographic coordinates of the Kurmenty gorge: N42 ° 59'10.36 "E78 ° 16'49.39"

Alexander Petrov.
Vukolov V. N. “Across the Northern Tien Shan. Mountain tourist routes along the Trans-Ili Alatau and Kungey Alatau. Retz. Master of Sports of the USSR A.F. Kharchenko. M. Profizdat, 1991.208 p.

Photos by
Alexander Petrov.