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Sulaiman Haddadiya complex on Mizdakhan.

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Excursions in Karakalpakstan.
The Sulaiman Khaddadiya complex is located on a natural hill 104.6 meters above sea level on the necropolis of Mizdakhan, 4.4 kilometers west and slightly south of the city of Khojeyli, 1.4 kilometers northeast of the Gyaur kala (Khojeli) settlement in the Khojeli region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
The complex of Sulaiman Haddadiyya, dating back to the XII - XIV centuries, consists of a summer and winter mosque with a courtyard, a khanaka, a kitchen, an underground mausoleum and premises for various purposes (a room for washing, a room for service personnel).
The Summer Mosque is a multi-column hall with two unique mihrabs decorated with a system of stalactites, a Kufic inscription and raw clay carving in the middle of the southern wall. The winter mosque is attached to the eastern wall of the summer mosque.
The hall of the mosque was once covered with six wooden columns placed on stepped stone bases.
Geographic coordinates of the Sulaiman Haddadiya complex: N42 ° 24'07.31 "E59 ° 23'26.16"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.