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To river Topkaragai.

Excursions on gorges Kyrghyz Аа-Тоо.
The short description of route of an excursion trip to gorge It is Ala-Archa:
Bishkek - settlement Chon-Aryk - settlement Baitik - settlement Kashka-Su - gorge Ala-Archa.
Extension of route: 98 km.
Seasonallity: all the year round.
Best time for excursion: April - September.
Advanced reservation - for 24 hours.
1 Day.
The detailed program of an excursion trip to gorge Ala-Archa:
Transfer: Bishkek - natural park "Ala-Archa" (42 km, 40 mines). Hiking: hotel "Ala-Archa" - gorge Aksai - the foot bridge through the river Aksai (3 km). From final stop where the highway comes to an end, two tracks, in narrow gorge along the river Aksai begin and, the second track, in the main gorge - Ala-Archa. Our walk will pass on more flat and picturesque gorge along the river Is Ala-Archa up to mouth of the right inflow Ala-Archa - the river Topkaragai. We pass more than 2 kilometers and hardly above the right inflow of the river Teketor we pass on the foot bridge to the left party of the river It is Ala-Archa. The further hiking: the bridge - right inflow Topkaragai of 2588 meters above sea level (4 km). After we pass the bridge gorge Is Ala-Archa extends and mountain tops in the top part of gorge are in the distance visible. The right inflow of the river Topkarai originates from glacier Topkaragai, in the north from which the peak Free Korea settles down. Walks in vicinities of gorge Topkaragai. Picnic on beautiful and cosy glade at the river. Returning to Hotel "Ala-Archa" (7 km). Returning to Bishkek.
It is possible to make and other foot walks in gorge Ala-Archa:
- to peak of Panoramic 2700 meters on sea level, duration 3 - 4 hours,
- to Camp Rasek in gorge Aksai, duration of 7 hours,
- to Ak-Sai falls in gorge Aksai, duration 4 - 5 hours,
- visiting zoological museum in gorge Ala-Archaа.
At will it is possible to order walk on horses in gorge Ala-Archa, such walk should be ordered for 24 hours. On way to Bishkek, according to your desire, it is possible to visit memorial complex and museum «Ak-Beyit» near to settlement the Bash-Kara-Suu (a place of mass executions in days of Stalin reprisals).
Natural park Ala-Archa.
Gorge Ala-Archa surprising place in mountain part of Kyrgyzstan, located in 42 kilometers from Bishkek. The gorge is unique natural zone. The natural park, is located in territory about 20 000 hectares here are, all landscape-climatic zones of Kyrgyzstan - from subalpine with junipers, fur-tree and birch woods, up to high-mountainous, with eternal snows and glaciers. In 1976 in gorge It is Ala-Archa, with the purpose of protection of natural objects and unique nature sanctuaries, reproduction of rare and disappearing kinds of plants and animals, with the purpose of the organization of cultural-cognitive rest, development of toursm and mountaneering, Kyrgyz State natural park "Ala-Archa" has been created. The most rare here lives and large of the predators, brought in «The Red book of Kyrgyzstan» - snow leopard (on Kyrgyz - Ilbirs). In this mountain area of gorge It is Ala-Archa it is laid more than 160 routes from the most simple, up to the most complex. Walls in height up to 1100 meters (peak Free Korea). The rocky ridge surrounds glaciers Ak-Sai, the Nauka and the Teacher in the form of horseshoe and includes tops Boxing 4200, Teke-Tor 4441, Ak-Too 4600, Free Korea 4740, Simagin 4400, Bailyan-Bashi 4700, Cosmonauts 4200, Dvurogay 4380, the Crown 4855, Semenov-Tien-Shanskyi 4895, Skryabin 4650, Baichichikey 4515 and the Teacher of 4527 meters above sea level. The park’s best offerings are trekking and climbing in rocky, icy, spruce-clad canyons up to an elevation of almost 5000 m above the sea level, which are removed from civilization and require serious preparation. On the trekking route to the Adigene waterfall there is a cemetery of mountaineers from where you can also see Korona Peak. Other route is to Ak-Sai waterfall and glacier.The park abounds in wildlife, including eagles, ibex, Marco Polo sheep, wolf, bear, lynx, boar and the rarely seen, often talked of – snow leopard.
The Program is Alexander Petrov's author's program. Copying and introduction - only from the sanction of the author -
Alexander Petrov's