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Mausoleum of Kosmola.

Trip to Kazakhstan.
"When the gods want to punish us, they listen to our prayers."
Oscar Wilde.
Sights of Ustyurt Plateau.
The Kosmola Mausoleum is located on the Kosmola necropolis at a height of 201 meters above sea level, on the Western cliff of Ustyurt, on the eastern coast of the Kaidak Bay, 46.5 kilometers north and slightly east of the Sai-Utes railway station and 26.2 kilometers to the north -west from the railway junction No. 6 in the Mangistau district of the Mngistau region.
The word "Kosmola" means two tombs. This is one of the first monumental stone portal-domed structures in the region, not inferior in size and artistic expressiveness to many well-known mausoleums of other regions of Kazakhstan.
It is a landmark in the architecture of Western Kazakhstan. It clearly shows both archaic features and a general tendency in the development of architecture in Kazakhstan and Central Asia in the XIIth - XIVth centuries
The mausoleum has the shape of an octahedron, inscribed in a circle with a diameter of 8.2 meters, the southern edge of which includes the massive walls of the portal. Ancestral tamgas on the outer walls of the monument and a plate with hollow holes found here for the Kazakh folk game "togyz-kumalak" support the assumption that the monument was erected over the grave of one of the representatives of the Alshino-Kipchak nobility.
Its historical and architectural significance lies in the fact that in the masonry of the walls of the octahedral part, for the first time, there is an alternation of vertically placed large blocks and horizontal slabs, which arose on the basis of a peculiar application of the ancient technique of backing up walls, which became a characteristic decorative technique in the architecture of subsequent generations.
Geographic coordinates of the Kosmola Mausoleum: N44 ° 44'46.66 "E53 ° 37'13.10"
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