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Mausoleum of Baimyrza aulie Mergenuly.

Sacred sights of Kostanay region.
"It is inconceivable that the prayer of many would not be heard... What one is denied is not denied to many people"
Ambrose of Mediolansky.
Map of sacred places of Kostanay region.
The mausoleum of Baimyrza aulie Mergenuly (1741 - 1829) is located at an altitude of 97 meters above sea level, is located on the territory of an ancient necropolis, 1 km east of the swampy lake Shubalan, 2.2 kilometers southeast of the village of Shubalan , 3.7 kilometers northeast of the village of Kalamkarasu, in the Dzhangeldy district of the Kostanay region.
During his lifetime, for the natural gift of prediction and healing by instilling sick people, the people called him "Baymyrzaaulie" that is, "holy man." He led the struggle against the Dzungarian conquerors. Supported the uprising of E. Pugachev.
Baimyrza aulie Mergenuly led the struggle against the colonial policy of the tsarist government. After his death, the mausoleum, built over his grave, became a place of worship for the inhabitants of the Torgai region.
The mausoleum of Baimyrza aulie Mergenuly has been a "holy mazar" for several centuries. It is noted that sick people, having spent the night at the foot of the mazar, returned to their families completely recovered from their illnesses.
The holiness of this great personality has helped many people of the region.
Geographical coordinates of mausoleum of Baimyrza auliye Mergenuly: N49°43'33.47" E63°35'35.00"