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Kyzylarai mountain range.

Traveling in the Kyzylarai mountain range.
“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving”
Terry Pratchett. “A Hat Full of Sky”.
Excursions to the mountains of Kyzylarai, Karaganda region.
The Kyzylarai mountain range is located in the Karaganda region in the Aktogai and Shet regions. In the latitudinal direction, the mountains stretch for 70 kilometers, in the meridional direction, the length of the mountains is 56 kilometers.
Kyzylarai is a part of the Kazakh small hills. Mount Aksoran is the highest point of the Kyzylarai mountains and the Kazakh small hills (Sary-Arki), its height is 1565 meters above sea level. The Kyzylarai mountain range consists of several separate independent mountains.
In the east, in the meridional direction, the Zhaman-Kyzylarai mountains stretch with a dominant peak in the central part, 1283 meters above sea level. In the southern part of the Zhaman-Kyzylarai mountains there is a small village of Sona, which is part of the Shabanbai bi aul district.
In the west, the Kyzylarai massif ends with mountains: Shokpartas with a peak 980 meters above sea level, Karazhumak with Aktogay peak 1031 meters above sea level. In the south, Kyzylarai was limited to four separate mountain elevations, these are the mountains: Begazy with a peak of 1169 meters above sea level, Ayrtas with a peak of 872 meters above sea level, Koytas with a peak of 878 meters above sea level, Shoibas with a peak of 928 meters above sea level Karashoky mountains 893 meters above sea level.
In the central part of Kyzylara there are mountains: Myrzakozha with Aksoran peak 1565 meters above sea level, Ayulyozek with Bosag peak 1093 meters above sea level, Kenbuyrat with a peak 1108 meters above sea level, Burtyserek with Karakiya peak and a mountain 1261 meters above sea level the sea, Kenbuyrat with a peak height of 1108 meters above sea level, the mountains of Aschiozek, Koytas, Karagandyozek.
In the northern part of Kyzylara there are mountains: Koytas and Dinbaikoytas with Akshoky peak 1000 meters above sea level, Bortas mountains with Yelshin peaks with a height of 1071 meters above sea level and Karatemir mountain 1147 meters above a sea level, Saryzhal mountains with a peak of Duaktas 1207 meters high above sea level, mountains Zhuandykorgan, Sarybuyrat, Bylkildak.
Kyzylarai is a mountain-forest oasis with an amazing combination of untouched nature, ancient historical monuments and the richness of flora and fauna. Untouched nature, unique mountain-steppe landscapes, pine forests growing on granite rocks, the most southern pine distribution in Central Kazakhstan.
In a small area you can travel through the mountains and steppes, get in touch with the historical heritage dating back to the Bronze Age, to later periods: Begazy monumental tombs, stone statues of the Turkic period and mausoleums of the Kazakh-Dzungarian wars.
The well-preserved national lifestyle of the local population makes Kyzylarai a great place for those who like to discover new and unusual things. The Kyzylarai mountains are composed mainly of sedimentary and igneous rocks, among which granites, porphyrites, quartzites, sandstones and schists predominate.
The intermontane valleys and slopes are covered with dense pine forests, and the plains are occupied by birch groves. The Kyzylarai Mountains are considered the largest habitat of argali in the territory of Kazakhstan - mountain sheep.
Kyzylarai is located far from the oceans and seas, the Siberian anticyclone and Arctic air masses circulate freely, so the climate here is dry and sharply continental. Winter is cold, the average January temperature is −14 - 18 ° C, the minimum is −40 ° C and lower.
Summer is dry, hot, the average July temperature is +20 ... + 24 ° С, maximum + 35 ° С. The average annual rainfall is 200 - 300 mm. In mountainous areas of the small hills, more precipitation falls - 370 mm. The wildlife of Kyzylarai is rich and diverse.
In addition to the mentioned argali, roe deer, saigas, wild boars, wolves, foxes, hares, ermines, Korsaks, badgers, ferrets, marmots, and muskrats live in the mountains and environs. Of the birds - bustards, black grouse, partridges, geese, pelicans, herons, gulls, etc.
The intermountain valleys are a steppe with small islands of birch groves, hawthorn, shrubs - rose hips, raspberries, honeysuckle, meadowsweet, currants, juniper.
Alexander Petrov, Vitaly Shuptar.
Alexander Petrov.