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Kusam-Ata Ensemble.

Tours over historical monuments of the Kashkadarya province.
“After clearing a story from a lie, the truth does not necessarily remain, sometimes nothing at all”
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.
The best sights of Kashkadarya region.
It is located 15 km to north – west of Karshi, in the village Pudina and is considered as one of the centers of Sufi Yasaviya brotherhood in the Karshi oasis. According to the legend Kusam-ata was one of the spiritual teachers of Bahouddin Naqshband. T
he ensemble consists of several buildings – the mosque, mausoleum, rooms for pilgrims (ziarat - khana), three gates and the tomb. The buildings of the necropolis were built at different time – from IXth to XIXth centuries.
The central place in the mausoleum of Kusam –ata, which was rebuilt several times. Epigraphic monuments of the complex are funeral inscriptions and fragments of architectural inscriptions.
Carved tombs are out of gray marble, dating back to XVth -XVIth centuries and placed in the mausoleum of the medulla to the right at the entrance to the northern courtyard. On the wall of ziyrat – khana, next to the mausoleum of Iskhaq ata fragments of gravestones of brown color with the inscription on it are installed.
The fragment presumably dates from the 14th century. It applied the formula of Monotheism (Kalima-i tawheed).