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Grave site of Kalaka batira.

Historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan.
“It’s not a wonder that sons are rich in knowledge,
Which are brought up by the wise father"
Firdousi Abulkasim.
The cultural heritage of Western Kazakhstan.
Location: Akmola region, Zerendisky district, Kusep village. Story-legend: Kalak batyr bravely fought against the Dzungars, defending the borders of his homeland at the beginning of the 7th century. He took part in the very first battle against the Dzungars.
Despite the quantitative advantage of the enemy, thanks to the coordinated actions and military strategy of Kalak Batyr, his army was able to resist the enemy. After this battle, the name of Kalak Batyr became known throughout the Kazakh steppe.
Kalak-batyr was born in the vicinity of Esil, in the town of Keregetas, between the current Atbasar and Sandyktau districts. His grave is located north of Kokshetau, in the area Aigyrzhal. He was buried on the mountain Kalak.
There is no reliable information about the years of birth and death of Kalak-Batyr, it is known that the Batyr belonged to the Argyn clan. Kalak batyr, seeing the plight of the people, gathered an army and, along with such famous batyrs as Kabanbai, Bogenbai, defended his native land.
Major victories of the Kazakh people against invasions of the Dzungarian Khanate fall at this time. In the Kusep aul district, on the Aktobe hill, at the initiative of respected people - Zerendintsy (descendants of the kyldy-guard family) and Kokshetau people - a tombstone was installed in honor of Kalak-batyr, our countryman, a warrior who in 1600 heroically fought with the Dzungar invaders, becoming one of the forerunners of our today's independence.
The burial is one of the sacred and sacred places of our land.
Aidos Abutalipov, labor veteran, member of the Kokshetau city council of veterans, poet, local historian.