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Flora of mountains Semirechye.

Ethnocultural Tourism inKazakhstan.
“Everything in excess is opposed to nature”
Extreme tourism in Kazakhstan.
For northern slopes of the ridge usually five high-rise foothill, or steppe, forest (forest meadow steppe), subalpine, Alpine and nivalny (snow). A steppe part occupies a strip of the foothill plain within heights from 600 to 1200 - 1300 meters above sea level and includes in the lower parts of the ridge, the so-called foothills overgrown with steppe vegetation, bushes, from an apricot and an apple-tree.
In the territory of this zone cultivate crops, place orchards and dachas. Natural ecosystems here practically did not remain. The forest zone occupies height from 1300 to 2800 meters above sea level. They can conditionally be divided into two parts - the deciduous and fir forest.
The deciduous wood forms such widespread trees as an aspen, a birch, a willow, an apricot, Siversa apple-tree, Nedzvetsky apple-tree having flowers and fruits violet red color is not enough (both species of apple-trees and an apricot are included in the Red List).
Here several types of a hawthorn, a bird cherry, sometimes a mountain ash grow. Various bushes occur among the wood: dogrose, meadowsweet, honeysuckle, currant, raspberry, kizilnik, barberry, buckthorn, sea-buckthorn and other types.
Occasionally the well-known iron tree - a framework Caucasian comes across. In the lower part of the deciduous wood and on the slopes, southern without the wood, violence of herbs - cereals, desert-candles, several types onions, irises, a peony, a hand bell, the burning bush - the plant emitting essential oils, and also the toxic agents causing skin burns (the kupina is called because its evaporations light up from a match, the plant remains safe). In a deciduous part the most rare plant of the planet - Mushketov kurchavka meets.
This relic hygrophilous bush up to 1,5 meters high with the flowers collected in a brush. Extremely seldom Semenov's crested bird - a relict of tertiary forest vegetation a relict and an endemic of Northern Tien-Shan, included in the republican Red List comes across. Its large red flowers with a violet shade are collected in dense ears on side branches.
Semenov's Kaufmaniya with flowers of pale yellow color is so rare. Many other interesting plants grow in the wood. From 1500 species of plants 3ailiyskogo Ala Tau the most part meets in this part. Shrenk fir-tree - the most beautiful trees - deserves to get acquainted with it closer.
It is a relict of tertiary coniferous forests from family pine up to 45 - 48 meters high, with a diameter up to 2 meters with the narrow pyramidal krone directed up. Shrenk's fir-tree grows also in the Dzungarsliy Ala-Tau and in the regions of China, adjacent with it. It does not form continuous plantings, and settles down small groups generally on northern slopes.
The fir-tree and on the southern slopes in deep and damp gorges meets.
"In the region of Seven rivers. Zhetysu". Author and originator B. Gubanov. Alma-Ata, Kaynar publishing house, 1989.
Alexander Petrov.