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Bezegli valley.

Petroglyphs in Turkmenistan.
"Mother of prosperity is Ashe"
Tours on petroglyphs of Turkmenistan.
One of ancient historical monuments of Turkmenistan is Bezegli valley located in the gorge Chendir in the Makhtumkuli etrap Lebap region. Inscriptions on ancient stone statues belong to early historical writings. One of them says that "Mother of prosperity is Ashe".
For the first time wall inscriptions were found in the small valley of Bezegli. According to assumptions of scientists to these inscriptions about 14 thousand years. Age of the stone statues located in 8 kilometers from the gorge Chendir near the village of Joint stock company and the cemetery Gyzyl Imam, makes 10 - 11 thousand years.
There were these monuments during the millennia, me the appearance. Historical development cave inscriptions were transferred to the Turkmen carpets. Presently these inscriptions are applied in carpet art. Having appeared at first on walls of caves they were transferred to stones for safety.
Statues in size and growth were created in pairs, inscriptions designated the name "Mothers of Prosperity of Ashe" which primitive people admired. These symbols can be found also in pottery of masters to Altyndepa, and in many amulets.
Scientists proved that they treat the third millennium B.C. Symbols turned into patterns of the Turkmen carpets over time. These symbols were also applied as architectural jewelry of temples and churches. The stone sculptures, similar to "cross", which are in Bezegli's valley became religious symbolics at Christians.
Crosswise symbols turned also into patterns of the Turkmen carpets. The + symbol represented on stones meets on the crosswise bronze seals found in Anau and relating to the third millennium B.C. The symbols which for the first time appeared in Bezegli valley gradually turned into the Christian sign "Cross" designating repentance, an inscription - "Mother of prosperity is Ashe" meets in architectural jewelry of buildings of Germany.
Symbols are used in patterns of the Turkmen carpets. Historical value of these monuments is big. It is indisputable that the homeland of emergence of these inscriptions is Turkmenistan. It would also be desirable to note huge influence of this ancient civilization on many world cultures.
Mukhammet Geldyev, etnograf.
Alexander Petrov.