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Beshoky hills.

Tours in Atyrau region.

“The native land, steppe, I have not been given to forget you.
From immense sorrow blazing and bleeding,
My soul suffocates, my heart is burned
And from the bitterness of the heart, boiling blood is hot."

Saken Seyfullin. "Far from the homeland." Omsk 1913 or 1914.

Atyrau guide to the sights.

Beshoky (also Bish-Chokho, from the Kyrgyz “five hillocks”) is a hill in the Caspian lowland, in the Kurmangazy district of the Atyrau region of Kazakhstan. The hill is located in the western part of Ryn-sands, its length from the south-west to north-east is 20 kilometers, from west to east is 8 - 12 kilometers (according to CNE, A. A. Bogdanov estimates it as 10 x 3.5 kilometers).
This flat denudation plain with gypsum mounds (absolute height of 14.6 meters) and karst landforms is raised 30 meters above the surrounding terrain. Numerous gypsum mounds are grouped in several groups, but otherwise scattered on a hill "without any order."
Karst basins with diameters from 50 to 100-150 meters and depths up to 10 meters and caves are also characteristic (I.V. Golovachev has 10 caves, of which Mechta and Kenenbai are large with halls measuring 30 x 15 × 5 meters and 18 x 11 x 3 meters).
From the point of view of karst zoning, it is part of the Pribaskunchak district of the Lower Volga-Ural karst region.


Alexander Petrov.